Part 34

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The party was buzzing when we got there, the room was full of people having a good time. Oli made a beeline for the bar, he bumped into Dave and some of his friends . Dave was introducing him to the other lads, oli seemed to be having a good time.

I left Rebecca and Jason to get our drinks from my distracted boyfriend.

"Damn Lana you look good, are you here alone" dean said as I approached.

"Thank you , I'm here with oli" I told them as I took the drinks from olis hands.

"Lana is olis girlfriend" Dave told them.

"Your a lucky lad" dean said as he playfully grabbed olis shoulder.

I walked away and shook my arse purposely as I knew oli would be watching me leave. "I sure am" I heard him say.

I sat across from Rebecca at the table she had saved, I handed them their drinks.

"He's not shy is he" Rebecca said as she pointed at oli.

"No not at all" I shook my head and laughed. I took a few photos of Jason and Rebecca together before I pulled her on to the dance floor. Rebecca and I danced sexily, we always had a good time when we were together. I saw Lilly arrive with her boyfriend, he sat on the table with Jason and she joined us on the floor.

When I occasionally looked around I saw oli looking at me, I smiled and pointed for him to join us but he just shook his head.

"Rebecca, you look good" I heard a strange voice say. I turned towards her and saw someone I didn't know with his hands around her waist pulling him to her. Rebecca pushed at his chest to try and loosen his grip but she was no match. I looked at our table for Jason but he wasn't there, before I could even panic I saw Jason's fist connect with the mans jaw.

"Get off my girlfriend " Jason screamed . I pulled Rebecca to the side as fists were flying everywhere. It took Rebecca's dad and uncle to pull them apart. The handsy stranger was ejected from the pub.

"Who the bloody hell was that" I asked. Oli had seen the commotion and had ran to my side. He snaked his hands around me and brought me close.

"It's no one " Rebecca said quietly.

"That's the fucker who Rebecca cheated on me with" Jason spat.

My head almost spun off my shoulders, I span my head to the side to look at my friend. There was no way Rebecca would cheat on Jason, and even if she had she would have told me. I looked at her for confirmation , no words came out but her eyes told me it was true. My friend looked ashamed , I could see the tears pooling in her eyes.

"I'll be back in two minutes" I told oli as I grabbed Rebecca's hand. I pulled her through the dancing bodies and into the cold February air.

"I can't believe this" she said as she paced up and down the car park.

"When did you do it" I asked

After a deep sigh she replied " the day after Christmas, we were at a party and it happened. It happened just the once, I felt so awful that I called Jason the morning after"

"Why didn't you tell me. How did Jason take it" I asked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I was ashamed I felt like a huge slut. He was angry we broke up but only for a week. We argue constantly now, he's worried I'll do oh again" Rebecca was crying heavily now, i pulled her into a tight hug.

"You never have to be ashamed around me, I'm no angel. I nearly slept with my teacher remember" I joked.

We went back into the party, Jason was sat at our table surrounded by shots. He was drinking his troubles away and it looked like oli was trying to steady him.

"Let's get fucked" Rebecca declared as she dragged me to the bar. I used the money my dad had given me to buy a large bottle of wine and numerous shots. The barmaid offered to carry them to our table so we wouldn't fall.

"Let's forget anything that happened before now and just get drunk and enjoy ourselves " I declared as the shots were placed on the table.

We all drank until we couldn't remember the scene that had happened before. I laughed as oli jumped up from his seat and made his way to the dance floor. He declared that it was his favourite song. I pulled Lilly and Rebecca up to dance. The other men joined us and we danced like no one was watching. We probably looked like fools but under the effects of alcohol we thought we looked great. The party was amazing , we danced until last orders was called. Jason bought us all a round of jäger bombs to drink before we left. I had been having such a great time that I didn't want the night to end. When oli suggested we go on to a club I couldn't say no.

We were all more than a little tipsy as we stood waiting for our taxi, Oli and I posed as Rebecca took photo after photo of us. When we finally got to the club oli suggested that we all switch to water before we got so drunk that we forgot about the good night.

Rebecca and I sat in a booth while the men danced, our feet were practically stumps after the long hours of wearing our heels. I laughed as oli jumped like a maniac in front of the dj. The dj even did him a shout out over the microphone. If I was sober I may have been embarrassed but in my current tipsy state I found it funny and adorable.

"He's the one" I slurred.

"The one what" Rebecca asked

"The one who deserves to pop my cherry"

"Are you going to do it tonight" she asked as she downed the last of her water.

"No I'll know when it's the right time and it's not yet. I know he's the right person" I meant every word. I knew that when I woke up sober I would feel the same way.

"What the bloody hell is he doing here" I asked as I stood up from my seat.

"Who" Rebecca asked.

"Ryan, I mean mr jones. He's stood over there" I pointed to the familiar face staring at me across the room.

Rebecca's eyes scanned the room, "he's not here, I think your seeing things"

I may have been a little drunk but I knew what I saw, and I saw him leering at me.

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