Part 24

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"You haven't told me exactly what happened in the office, did you have sex with him" Rebecca asked.

"I will tell you the full story if you promise not to talk until I'm done" I replied sternly.

Rebecca drew a cross over her heart as she replied "I promise"

"Well he was in between my legs ready to get inside me but I was so nervous that my body wouldn't let him. I could feel him pushing but my body refused. I was thinking of what I could say to get  myself out of the situation I had put myself in. He was kissing my neck when there was a loud thump on the door, I hadn't realised he had locked it. He moved away from me and whispered for me to be quiet. He pulled his trousers up and walked towards the door. I heard the music teacher call through the door, she said that Ryan's girlfriend was waiting for him at reception" I paused and took a breath, I could feel the emotions again like it was happening all over again.

"I just looked at him and I couldn't speak I just wanted to pick his desk up and launch it at him. He had told me he only wanted fun that he wasn't the type who had relationships. I should have realised he meant he wasn't the type who would have a relationship with someone like me. I snapped my clothes back on while I concentrated on what him and mr Sykes were saying. I heard mr Sykes tell him that Ryan's girlfriend had turned up because she had left her keys in the house so she needed Ryan's. I felt so stupid I had been in his house, I had no idea he had a girlfriend. He told mr Sykes  that he would be there shortly that he had made a mess and was cleaning it up. That's when I realised I was the mess. I literally was the mess, I felt sick. I left the classroom through the fire escape before he could stop me, I couldn't face him. I went to matron and told her I was ill, I just needed to be away from that place. I've never felt like this I just wish I wasn't here"

"What at my house" Rebecca asked in a soft confused voice.

"No I mean on earth, I wish I had died when my mum did" I sobbed.

"This isn't your fault , don't you think that for one minute. He is a sick horrible bastard, he doesn't deserve you. God I swear if I see him alone I will chop his balls off." Rebecca's arms were around me, I was sobbing softly into her shoulder.

"I wish you had told me when he kissed you. I would have helped you, I would have told you that you deserve better. Do you know how special you are?"

I shook my head at her , I defiantly didn't feel special.

Rebecca took my face in her hands and lifted it so I was looking in her eyes.

"Your a great friend, we all love you. Your so smart and funny plus your super fine. I'm told often from Jason's friends" Rebecca said kindly, I sometimes forgot how sweet my oldest friend was. I honestly think that the swearing and loud personality was a mask to keep her true self hidden.

"I'm a slag" I complained.

"Your a virgin who has only kissed and touched one man I would hardly call you a slag. Anyway I hate that word, if men can do what they want and not be branded with any names why can't we. Did you enjoy it"

"Up until today yea" I replied honestly.

"Then that's all that matters, as my dad says you may kiss a few frogs until you find your prince. Just think of mr jones as a big slimy toad, actually don't think of him at all"

Her words were wise I decided I would take her advice and forget about my Ill advised meeting with the toad.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you" I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

Rebecca had been rock when my mum had passed away, I had slept at her house most weekends as I couldn't be alone. The day of my mums funeral my friend had arrived at my house with some flowers she had used her own money on and even a framed photo of us with my mum. Rebecca had always been so considerate I really was lucky to be able to call her my best friend. I regretted keeping this secret from her , I should have known she would have kept it.  I needed her support I knew that now.

"Lets get changed and go to the corner shop, the guy there serves me. We could drink some cider and have a pretty little liars marathon" Rebecca suggested.

"If you throw in a family bar of chocolate I'm in" I joked.

There was no such thing as perfect but Rebecca was pretty damn close.

**sorry for the short chapter , I hope you enjoyed it. What did you think when your realised Lana hadn't gone all the way. What do you see coming next for our naive Yorkshire girl**

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