Still Overthinking

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Ever been in a commitement you don't really like?

Ever trapped yourself in a relationship, just because they said it was good?

Ever made a promise you knew you'd break?

Don't get me wrong, it's good, in some kinds of ways... but it's not what you hoped for. What you wanted.

And you sit there wondering if you made the right choice, even though you know you did the wrong choice.

Regret hits you harder than ever, leaving you overthinking, with a plastic smile in front of everybody.

I shouldn't hurt them... I shouldn't disappoint my friends... but what about myself?

That last thought will get you thinking over and over again about your whole situation.

Looking back at the relationship you've been forced to be a part of, you see that it's not for you.

Or is it?

And you sit there hating yourself. Why?

But you're still overthinking.

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