Hatred Took Control

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I'm upset and I have no idea why.

I can't look at my parents, my brother, my sister, my friends. I can't even look at myself.

I'm so pissed. Angry at the world, at nothing.

There's a void in my stomach, a lump in my throat, my hands are shaking.

I hope I could die, then I regret it.

I feel so empty. I want to drop everything I've ever signed up to in life.

They're so meaningless.

"You should be thankful for everything you have." People say.

Why? What if I don't want to? Don't I have the right to be angry?

I know there are others who have shittiest lifes than me, but I'm not living there lives. I'm not, yet I'm angry.

I hate everything around me. I hate the air. I hate my own skin.

A part of me knows that I don't want to be this kid, but I can't help it.

Hatred took control of me.

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