I Miss You

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How can I miss you when I barely know you?

It's traumatizing and somehow laughable.

I have no memory what-so-ever about you.

I only know your face from photographs. I have no recollection of your voice. I know nothing about the way your touch feels.

Yet here I am, tearing up because I don't know all of these things.

I remember your kindness, your fun personality, your love. I see it in those you affected most.

They, whole, make you.

And GOD I want to meet you.

Yes. I will say it out loud. Out on the open.

I miss you. You who I never saw, but know is close to me.

I so selfishly want to close my eyes, and open them to the sight of you. Is that wrong? It is.

I know that day will come, but nobody likes waiting, right?

I will say it a hundred times, over and over and over again.

I miss you.

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