Be Happy

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Ever felt happiness for people you know they stopped thinking about you?

You spot them wherever you do. You see them smile. And your heart just swells up from happiness.

Even though you know, almost sure, they have no idea what happened to you.

Do they even know that you care?

What the hell!

It's uncontrollable.

A stupid smile pastes itself on your face, just because.

Do you talk to them? No.

Why? No idea.

It's almost laughable.

But you carry on because that happiness is selfless.

So carry on. Smile. Be happy. Enjoy that feeling.

Look at that person who forgot about you, tell them in a way that you're happy for them.

That's not weakness.

You're powerful. That's why you're happy. That's why you smile.

Be the bigger person.

Be happy.

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