Chapter 2

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As Gumaball slowly dragged his feet up the steps he couldn't help but think about how he lost against Darwin. And Darwin was only supposed to be the house pet. Just as Gumball was about to enter the room he stopped as his hand touched the knob. He should have won. The blue neko grumbled to himself about being an idiot as he opened the door.

There he spotted his sister, Anais, who was already asleep in her bed. She held onto her toy donkey tightly and muttered incoherently. The high schooler shrugged off his sister being 'weird' and threw off his sweater, doing the same for his skinny jeans. Gumball slipped into his baggy shorts and t-shirt. He then jumped onto the bouncy bed going under the covers, closing his eyes.


Darwin looked over at the clock. 11:00 pm it read. Darwin quickly shoved the rest of the trash into the bag. He always liked doing chores for Nicole. The boy smiled and ran up the stairs to his shared room. Darwin never had to get undressed so he just hopped into his fish tank, curled up in a ball.

He 'breathed' in the fresh water. Tomorrow was Monday. School. He glanced over at Gumball. Darwin held back a laugh seeing as his brother always slept in the weirdest positions. The fish finally began dozing off, ready for the next day.

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