Dude, that's gay (part 2 -w-) (Unfinished)

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(Haha this is awkward but um if you haven't noticed I'm very, very, very unmotivated to write this so uhh just take this blowjob session (This was requested over a year ago))

(Now it's been, what, five years? Goodness how time flies! And, sorry, but I won't be finishing this)

Darwin smirked into the kiss as soon once Gumball's eyes opened a sliver. Gumball gave a breathy moan once Darwin's hand trailed down the feline's abdomen to the rim of his sweater, his fingers dancing over the fabric. The fish boy's hand pushed itself beneath Gumball's sweater as the the two boys carefully pulled away from the heated kiss, a string of mixed saliva connecting their lips.

"Wha-what the fuck," Gumball finally squeaked out, his gaze glued onto Darwin's hand, which was tracing small shapes on Gumball's lower abdomen. Darwin gave Gumball a gentle, yet devious smile, slowly leaning back into the kiss.

"Mmph," Gumball moaned softly into the second rough kiss, his 'friend's' hand stroking his stomach as it lowered to his pants once more. Gumball found his hands quickly throwing themselves onto Darwin's shoulders, gripping onto them for mental and physical support. He could feel Darwin's hands skillfully undo the button and zipper on his jeans. His legs wobbled slightly as his pants slipped down his lanky legs, to his ankles. Darwin tilted his head to the side for the kiss to deepen, his fingers hooking onto Gumball's boxers. The blue feline tensed up, his fingers digging into the fiery orange cloth underneath his hands. Gumball let out a light gasp as his boxers were pulled off of him, leaving him exposed to his innocent and adorable friend. Gumball pulled his head back, separating their lips so the heated moment could grow less intense.

"D-Darwin, what the fuck," Gumball repeated, averting his gaze from his own hard on. Darwin gave a breathy laugh and crouched down in front of his 'friend's' dick. Darwin lifted his arm up to wrap his hand around Gumball's dick, causing Gumball to flinch and grunt. Darwin giggled quietly before moving his arm skillfully back and forth, stroking Gumball. Gumball choked on a moan as he quickly bite his lower lip to muffle himself. The feline felt his fangs digging into his soft flesh, the stinging pain being distracted by an indescribable pleasure. Gumball gave a small jerk of his head as he felt something slimy and warm wrap around his dick. A pathetic whimper slipped out as Darwin sucked gently, still pumping Gumball. Darwin watched every little reaction Gumball made like a hawk, not once hesitating to finish what had been started.

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