Chapter 4 (last shitty chapter)

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A shiver ran down Gumball's spine. He silently thanked Darwin's quick thinking as he glanced around the small room. The closet was clearly meant to fit one person and one person only.

This caused the two young boys to be pressed chest to chest so they wouldn't accidentally run into one of the many sharp objects in the room. There were no windows or extra doors. Gumball looked down as he felt a warm slim limb brush against his own chest. Darwin's arm.

Darwin was trying to lock the door. In response Gumball's eyes trailed up his brother's arm to his face. The smaller male's whole face radiated with a heavy heat, his cheeks and ears a deep red.

Darwin's tongue slightly poked out of his plump, pink lips, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Slow, loud footsteps rang out making Darwin whimper lowly. Each step was dragged against the tiled floor making a noise similar to fingernails on a chalkboard. The blue feline could feel his brother shake a profuse amount.

Gumball bit his quivering lower lip. Darwin would surely give them away if he didn't do something soon. Then an idea slapped the adolescent neko.

This idea was everywhere. In school. On the tv. In video games. Hell, the two had done it before! Gumball roughly wrapped his slender fingers onto his brother's chin and turned the smaller boy's head towards himself. Gumball hesitantly leaned in whilst closing his eyes.

Then it happened.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss. The loving gesture felt right to Gumball as Darwin squeaked quietly. Gumball could feel a heavy blush rushing to his cheeks and his deepened the kiss. After the shock had washed away from Darwin he found himself kissing back.

The whole world disappeared. No more crazy men. No more school. No more problems. Just peace. Gumball felt this was a better kiss than Penny could ever give. Darwin had never felt so alive. He could've sworn they were flying. Fireworks wouldn't stop exploding. Darwin couldn't help but open his mouth, wanting- no, needing more.

Gumball immediately shoved his cat like tongue into the small boy's mouth causing him to moan softly. Gumball dragged his hands from Darwin's shoulder's to his hips in seconds and squeezing gently.

The fish hybrid groaned, as he was pulled closer to his best 'friend'. Darwin couldn't help but wrap his arms around Gumball's neck, leaning up further. Mixed drool ran down Darwin's cheeks and chin, while the cat continued to force moans out of the smaller boy.

The door burst open, yet hard to notice from the kiss. A muscular, tall man stood there, glaring daggers at the love struck high schoolers. This man had sandy blonde hair with dead mocha colored eyes.

He was covered from head to toe in over fifty different people's blood, a shiny axe held in his his clenched fists, him using a tight grip. Darwin's eyes went from half lidded to wide as beach balls. Gumball however continued kissing, squeezing his eyes shut.

"There you two are~" the man purred, his gruff and deep voice lacing more fear into Darwin.

The kiss never separated as the two minors died together, their mixed blood signaling deep affection.


Merry Early Halloween

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