Dude, that's gay (Sexual Warning) (oneshot)

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(Oml, am so sorry)

"Do you feel bad for Anais?"


Gumball's eyes darted to the over to his own bed, seeing as Darwin only went into the fish-tank to sleep.

"Cause like, I'd never leave home for three whole days to take a dumb test," Darwin continued.

"Yeah, well if she wants to have a smart brain, she's gonna have to pay," Gumball replied, looking back at the computer screen in front of him. The feline continued scrolling down, through all the uninteresting drama on Twitter. Gumball sighed softly, his eyes skimming around the page intently.

"Guuummmbballl I'm booorrreedd," Darwin whined, switching from sitting to laying on his stomach.

"And what the hell do you expect me to do about it?" Gumball asked, turning his head to face Darwin once more.

"Can we have a pillow fight?" The fish hybrid suggested, his voice getting a little higher, and cuter.

"Dude, that's gay," Gumball snorted, turning his whole body around so he could look directly at Darwin.

"Yeah, and I'm more gay than you. So ha, beat that asshat!" Darwin said sarcastically.

"Um, bish please. I'm wayyyy more gay than you," Gumball retorted.

"Wanna bet?"

"Do I even need to to bet?"

"I bet you wouldn't kiss me," Darwin giggled.

"Yes I would," Gumball said, his face scrunching up.

"Prove it," Darwin smirked, raising an eyebrow.

Gumball groaned and reluctantly stood up from his chair. His arms were slowly picked up, as his thin legs stretched up. The neko took his small steps forward, to his bed, before crouching down to Darwin's level. Darwin's smirk grew as he gave Gumball a jokingly seductive look.

"You're an ass, I hope you know that," Gumball grumbled, realizing what he was about to do. Darwin didn't reply, but inched his face closer to Gumball's. The neko quickly pecked Darwin's lips, his face hinting at disgust.

"That's not how you kiss," Darwin exclaimed, his face showing his presumed feeling, which was insulted, "let me show you how to kiss."

"W-wait, wha-"

Gumball got cut off by Darwin smashing their lips together. Gumball squeaked and screwed his eyes shut, his ears drooping as his face turned more crimson by the second. Darwin had a light blush on his face, but seeing Gumball like this made him want to continue. So he did just that. Darwin deepened the kiss, slowly.

Millions of thoughts were running through Gumball's mind as they kissed. Was he gay? Why was he enjoying this so much? Perhaps it's just hormones...or not? Gumball rid himself of any negative feelings for this, and hesitantly kissed back. There wasn't as much energy from Gumball compared to Darwin, but he was still putting in effort.

Darwin wrapped his arms around Gumball's neck, as he gently bit down on Gumball's lower lip. Gumball squeaked softly, but obliged, opening his mouth wide. Before Darwin shoved his velvety tongue into Gumball's mouth, he teasingly licked the feline's fangs. Gumball deepened the kiss and Darwin finally shoved his tongue into Gumball's mouth.

Gumball moaned softly, his eyes opening ever so slightly to view the boy in front of him.

(They will actually fuck each other if you tell me WHO TOPS AND IF YOU ACTUALLY WANT THIS PART TWO)

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