Chapter 1

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We have been walking over mountains, through deserts and jungles, forwhom knows how long. Fiyero could keep walking forever, since he is not even human, this is all because of me.

Basically, us traveling this far is all because of me. Why was I cursed withbeing born green skinned? Why did people assume I was bad because of the way I looked? Even my own father! He couldn't stand the sight of me, and always favored my sister, mainly because she was a perfectly normal color.

Well, at least there are two people who care about me, but one of them thinks I am dead: Glinda, my best friend in the whole world. She understood me, knew what I believed in that was right, and now I will never see her again.

Fiyero risked his life for me, nearly perishing by concealing mywhereabouts. Therefore, to protect him, I cast a spell on him, transforming him into a scarecrow. Now that we are together again, I have tried to figure out a spell to change him back into the handsome, brave man I fell in love with.


Elphaba is deprived of sleep due to our constant traveling. I cannot stand to see her like this, she should rest.

"Fae, maybe you should sit down for awhile. You seem awfully tired." "No, Yero, I'm fine. We can set up camp in a few hours." "Please. Just rest, I hate to see you so exhausted."

I lead her to a large rockand we sit down. She is so exhausted she immediately falls asleep. As she dozes, I glance at her gentle face. We have come so far, climbed mountains, crossed streams, risked our very lives to be together. I would be dead right now, if it were not for my beautiful Fae. If only I could feel her hand touch my face, my body, but I am nothing but a heap of straw sewn together in pieces. How I long to be human once more, so we may truly express our love for one another.

"I'm alright now." She is standing once more at my side. "Let's go on."

"Don't worry; I have a feeling we don't have much longer until we find civilization." I assure her, and we continue our journey.



Another several hours have passed, and finally, we see a small village near a rushing river, and people with their families.

"Yero," I whimper, "look!" He turns to the direction where I am pointing, eying the community before us.

"We made it, Fae!" he exclaims.

We run down the hill, and the citizens spot us. They come slowly towards us, unsure what to do, until one woman steps forward and speaks.

"Welcome, welcome to our humble city." she says kindly. "Who are you?"

"My name is Elphaba Thropp, and this is Fiyero Tiggular." I address to the whole crowd. "We've come very far, and gone through so much..."

I tell them our entire story; where we came from, what made us the way we were, and why we left our I finished, the townspeople were silent for a few moments, but then a few spoke up.

"How dreadful!"

"The nerve of those folk, treating you poor creatures that way!"

"What does it matter the way a person looks? It's what's inside that counts."

I am astonished by their words. No one has ever treated me with such kindness before. Fiyero, I can see, is also very surprised.

"Well, you're perfectly welcome here," the one woman says. "My name is Karina. I own a small inn around the corner,and you're welcome to staythere until you get settled."

"Thank you so much," I reply politely.

Karina leads us to her inn, a small but homely looking building with window boxes filled with colorful flowers. Inside, beautiful décor adorns the main hall; billowing drapes, cushions on furniture, and even more floral arrangements.

When brought to our room, Elphaba sighs with pleasure at the sight of the enormous bed in the heart of the room. She takes only a few small steps toward it, before collapsing in complete and total exhaustion and immediately falling asleep.

"If you need anything," Karina whispers to me, "just ask. My apartment is upstairs."

She turns and exits the room, leaving me alone with Fae. I sit next to her still form on the mattress, stroking her raven hair. Finally, at long last, both of us are safe. Safe and accepted. If only Oz had been that way; how I wish it had been.

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