Chapter 3

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Oh, how wonderful that Fiyero is human again! And to make things better, we are going to be married!

All of the village residents are so kind and generous; they have been helping us prepare for the wedding, as well as helping Fiyero and I build our new home.

Fiyero has become a carpenter, and has been working on our house with some of his co-workers, as well as with decorators, roofers, and all sorts of other companies helping to create our home.

While the men are at work, all my new friends and I are getting ready for the wedding.

Right now I'm in the village, visiting the seamstress Abigail. My friend Karina has recommended her to me to make my wedding dress, and I must say, it is very pretty.

At first, I was worried that if I wore white, it wouldn't look good because of my skin and that it would be more noticeable than the dress. But once I tried it on for a fitting, all the worrying disappeared.

I really was beautiful, just like Glinda had told me so long ago, and what Fiyero tells me every day.

Three days later...

The house is finished. We are holding the wedding tonight by the river, underneath an old willow tree in our new yard.

Right now I am with Karina and my other friends at the inn, getting ready. My hair is being tied up into an elegant but messy bun, with strands hanging long and loose.

Red lilies and orange chrysanthemums have been gathered to make my bridal bouquet, their stems banded together by a cream colored ribbon.

"I am so happy for you Elphaba!" says Violet, who is retrieving my gown from the wardrobe. "You and Fiyero are perfect together!"

"You know, I never thought something like this would happen to me," I reply. "No one has ever loved me before. Not even my own family."

"Well that's all over with now." Julianna pats me on the shoulder. "You'll have a new family with Fiyero."

I smile. She's right; tonight would be a whole new beginning for me. For us.


The wedding is about to begin. Almost everyone in town has come and are seated by the riverbank.

Candles illuminate the aisle, and are adorned with red ribbons. I am with the parson under the willow tree, dressed in a dark tunic and dress robe.

A flutist begins to play a soft melody, and everyone looks towards the back of the aisle.

Elphaba appears from a corner, a vision in white. Long sleeves edged in lace, a skirt and train of soft silk. Her hair is tied up, with dark ringlets tracing her face.

She has never looked more beautiful than right now.

She makes her way down the aisle, and smiles to me once she is by my side. Then the ceremony officially begins.

The priest says a few words, then asks us to recite our vows and exchange rings. I take hands with my bride.

"Elphaba," I say, gazing deep into her eyes, "When we first met, I was a selfish, conceited fool of a man. But once I truly got to know you, everything about me changed."

"You made me realize that life goes by, and living in the moment can't last forever. But now I'm hoping to live every last moment of my life with you."

I slip the silver wedding ring onto her finger, and kiss her hand lightly.

It is now Elphaba's turn to recite her vows. She takes my free hand.

"Fiyero," she begins, "I never thought that I would ever be loved by someone. Then you came along, and I felt what I had hoped for all my life: loved."

"Now all I can say is thank you, for being one of the first people whose ever cared for me. I know we'll have a wonderful life together; I love you, and I can't wait to be your wife."

She picks up the silver ring and carefully slides it onto my finger.

"Well then, let's not let you wait any longer." The priest smiles.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

I throw my arms around my wife!...and we kiss.

The entire village erupts with cheers and applause, and we begin our descent up the aisle. Everyone begins to toss flower petals as we pass each row of guests. They all look so happy for us.

But no one could be as happy as Fae and I are right now. We're married, and that's how we'll stay for all time.


The reception is just ending, and Elphaba and I are entering our new home.

It is a quaint little house. There is a large front room, with a sofa, chairs, and a coffee table. A bookshelf stands against the wall opposite the furniture.

On the opposite side on the room is a stove with an oven, cabinets, an icebox, and a table with three chairs.

There is a staircase, which leads to a small second floor; on it are three doors.

One is an empty room, with no furniture. We could probably have some use for it in the future.

The second is a lavish bathroom, with a double sink and bathtub.

The last door leads to Elphaba's and my bedroom.

There is a large four poster bed, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, and a large bay window overlooking the river.

"Oh, it's so beautiful," Elphaba twirls with delight. "Fiyero, we really get to live here!"

I catch her by the arm and pull her close to me. I pick her up and lay her on the bed. I sit and lean over her, gazing into her chocolate eyes.

"And we're together," I say. "With no one trying to stop us." I lean in and kiss her.

We continue, going further and further, with no desire to even hesitate.

Now we can truly love.

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