1 | golden boy

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Today has to literally be the worst day of my life! First my alarm doesn't go off, second my car won't work, three I'm late for work, could anything go any worse?! The second I stepped off the bus, without hesitation I ran for it- five minutes late and if I walk I'd be fifteen minutes late! 

"I don't even know how to use a fu-" I face planted on the pavement, I looked down from the gray walkway that was once blood free

"Sorry about that"

This skateboarding asshat busted my lip! Great, I had no time to argue all I could ever do at the moment was roll my eyes and run away. I'll catch you one day you shirtless- skater!

I ran through the back door of  starbucks, my co workers and manager looked at me- they're eyes were all on me

"Guys I'm already more uncomfortable don't"

"What happened to you Nalani?" My manager grabbed a clean towel from the closet and she wet it

"Bad day, bad skater" I rolled my eyes

"Ow!" I cried

"This city is infested with them, you gotta be careful"

"Yeah because I will totally look left and right on the side walk when I'm already five minutes late" I glared at Tamara my co worker, she laughed "Did your car not work again?"

I nodded "stupid junk I swear"

My manager felt bad about my day so she decided to let me go for the day, letting me slide with that full 8 hours of work thing but I do have to make it up....

"Hi, welcome to starbucks how may I help you?" I looked up from the cash register and boy was I lucky

I blinked at least fifty times, the guy not looking at me. I turned towards my co workers mouthing the words "It's him"

"Excuse me?"

I cleared my throat "Excuse you"

He laughed loudly causing attention to be driven towards us "It's you!"

"Did the busted lip give it away? What's your order?"

He continued to laugh "Small world" Long hair took a pause "Venti iced tazo lemonade, less ice and uhh put it under Nico"

I rolled my eyes, "Alright Nico your total is 5.77, is that all for today?" my smile fake as ever but I'm sure he notices that

"No that's it thank you, let me take you out some time for that uh busted lip" He pointed handing me a ten dollar bill

"To give me another busted lip? I'll have to has my top lip about that one"

My manager, Ava tugged "what Nalani means to say is that she'll take you on that offer"

I glared

"Oh sweet what time's your shift over?"

"not today sweet pea, we're busy" I shooed "Next in line"

I gave Ava another glare "Now I have to go and dodge him for the rest of my existing life, thanks Ava"

She laughed "He's kinda cute for you"

I shivered "no thanks"

"He's golden" Ginger another co worker of mine peeped in

"You guys are unbelievable" I shook my head with a jokingly smile on my face but that doesn't mean i like the kid, I despise him!

It was getting darker by the time I clocked out for work, it's colder and the streets are more crowded after all this is San Francisco we're talking about. I forgot to call my best friend Theo to pick me up but I guess he's busy now that I've called it's cool though he'a got a life of his own and I do too we can't always depend on each other!

"Hey!" A man spoke up as he's seen me

My eyes rolled back "Nico"

"Hey Nalani"

I continued to walk and ignore Nico and he continued to follow me

"Are you gonna keep ignoring me?" He skated around me

"Are you gonna keep following me home?" I stopped walking as he stopped skating

"Hey I'm doing you the favor, it's SF and you know how it is at night. Don't front silly girl I'm keeping you safe isn't it your first walk at night? Your manager announced that as she left, nice girl" He went on babbling as if he can never be stopped whatsoever, I turned my head to laugh to myself about him

"Ah since we'll be walking for awhile, I'll make it easy for you" I had a sudden change of heart it isn't often I get one of those

Nico showed a rather charming smile, you don't get to see that around with a stranger who has nothing but good intentions towards you... I hope that is

"Why exactly do you want to take me home"

"Not really, I wanted to keep you company until you say Yes I'll accept your apology by going on that date" He pointed back at me with gun fingers shooting at me, he's funny

I held my stomach as I laughed hard at his words "date huh? Did my manager pickle that in your brain for how many times?"

He laughed "so is that a yes?"

"Thanks for walking me home" I waved and climbed up the stairs to get to the door, you know how San Francisco is built

"Will I be seeing you so-"

I shut the door on him before he could finish his words, honestly I think he's a good kid, I have to swallow my pride and admit that he is good company.

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