5 | Something New

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My body turned towards the right. I yawned, shut the alarm off and took a quick "5 minute" nap. We all know an extra 5 minutes always goes up and you turn out to be waaaay behind schedule. I groaned letting myself fall off my bed to only groan even more.

"Rise and shine" I smiled as the curtains in my room slid to the opposite sides of each other

"Another day, another dollar" I fake cried in the mirror

My eyes  finally adjusted, everything I'm seeing in the mirror is making my stomach feel fuzzy. This is something else.


My hands touched his soft face "Good morning" 

It feels as if yesterday we had our first kiss ever- oh wait. We did. He stayed over. We're a thing, we're a couple. No need for mixed signals and games, we're mature enough to be in a relationship. Nico and I have this.

After hours of setting up my place, I'm pretty
tired. First ever "call in sick" leave, the grind never really stopped but since I'm tired and reached one of my biggest goals in life at such a young age, I decide why not? 

As I finished getting ready for the day I found Joel still knocked out on the couch where we last left him. He's snoring so loudly as if he did so much last night when really all he did was show up and bring food that he ended up eating half of. I laughed "Joel" I called, still no move, he continued to snore

I sighed with a laugh, I found Nico in the kitchen with a cup of water in hand "Nico" I whispered loud enough for him to hear

He shook his head "It's fine"

"Babe record it for me" My heart raced, this boy really called me babe. I didn't hesitate and  snatched my phone

"Okay, go"

3...2...1 I started to laugh "Oh shit" Joel woke up from his 12 hour sleep. If we only got 5, you don't need that much!

"That's so fucked up" He laughed, I laughed, Nico laughed

The first memories I'll have in my home consist of my first kiss, first hang out, first real laughter after a time where it felt like I was never going to be happy again, it was my first of a lot of things. Many more firsts to come and I can't wait for them to come and the best part is I get to spend it all with Nico. It may not seem like a big ass deal but it really is, he's been there through a whole lot with me. He saw how chaotic my life was and is, but he didn't leave it made him want to stay even more. That's something called true love. I'm hoping- I'm praying that this is what I can call true love. 

"You aren't working today?" Joel got back from his place and that's the first thing he wants to say? That's a new one

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