2 | I, Nico

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"How's the kid?" A familiar voice popped the question early in the morning

I looked down to see a Nico waiting for me to take me to work like the way he's been doing for the past week so he could do that apologize date thing... He's never gonna stop is he?

"What? Are- Are you stalking me Nico?"

"Nope, just wanted to take you to work but I guess-"

"Day off buddy"

"So that's a absolutely positively yes let's go on that date so Nico doesn't have to feel bad about that no longer busted lip" He begged with his hands clasped together making the move to go on his knees

"Nico get up people are looking" I tugged

He shook his head, all that hair flew around with it

"Not until you let me apologize"

Oh shit, now my neighbor is shaking his head because it seems that I broke his heart for the third time this week! I'm not into this wack job I hardly know

"Okay, okay" I agreed to fall into his idea of an apology date

"Pick you up at seven thirty five sharp! Or earlier, I'll text you the details" He ran off and hopped onto his skateboard, how does he do that without face planting?? I have so many questions that I have to ask him, and tonight he will answer them!

"What did I just do?" I slid down the shut door, I don't know him! I mean yeah he takes me to work and home but that doesn't mean a thing, ugh this kid is pure insanity

Whatever he's up to it better be something good not bad or else i'm calling 911 and saying i got kidnapped and bribed to join this stranger who really is a stranger to me. I didn't expect anything big of a date since all boys do is a disappoint, so I took out the regular boys- the clothes I wear all the time with no rest. Blue jeans, white tank top that were short enough to where you can see my belly button when I raise my hands I hope we don't get robbed, black zip up jacket with the white laces that hung from the hood just incase the weather was being bipolar again and black slip on vans. They look rotten old but I've only had them for three months!

"Ding Ding"

"Alright let's skid" I shut the door rushing down the stairs of my house

"No meeting the parents?" He was expecting to see my parents, oh man he's got it all wrong

I chuckled "This isn't a real date, this is simply an apology date so yeah- NO meeting the parents plus they're out of town"

"Ou must be nice- can we chill af-"

"Save it for Oprah" my hands covering his mouth before he could ever finish that stupid question of his

I yanked his arms away from my house but he stopped "other way"

I was speechless, I feel completely embarrassed but then again he's a complete utter stranger to me so really, no need to worry. It's not like I'm gonna end up liking this kid anyway.

"What is this?" I asked

"Skate park"

"And ice cream" He handed me what I chose from the ice cream truck right outside the fence of the skate park

I looked around and there was no one in the park but just the two of us, what did he reserve the skatepark for this dumb apology date? Sounds funny, is funny

"So what are we doing here exactly?" I looked over at him as we stuck our feet under the railings, arms clung over the bar of it

"A date"     "apology date" he corrected himself so i wouldn't have to correct him myself

I stared at him blankly

"Well you see-" Nico paused before looking at me "If I took you out on a date to a restaurant or to an ice cream shop that would be boring and that's what every girl expects and it's kind of boring"

I gave him a nod "Good point"

"But it doesn't end there. This is no ordinary date- it's an Apology date for running you over with my skateboard so therefore I am going to teach you how to ride and control the beast that hit you, I technically did but whatever" He mumbled the last part to himself

I honestly think this is the best date I could ever have been in, not that I've been on dates before. He's unique, kind and never let me go when he was teaching me how to skate and to tell you this, I already know how but I'm letting him perfect me since he has Pro skateboarder written all over his face.

"How was that?" He asked as he dropped me off by the steps of my home

I held onto my own hands and sucked in some air that flowed down my lungs and out my nose "You've got it good Nico" My eyes and his were connecting, my face went up as I gave him a smile and immediately leaving the kid outside

I had fun.

"Where were you?"


"Can I get more than three syllables Nali?"

"I went on a date" I had to keep the details lowkey, and for once I didn't say APOLOGY DATE and I was kind of okay with it

"Wow with who?"

"Don't worry about it Ala" I left my mom speechless, to be honest with you I'm not even comfortable being around her right now the situations still too fresh

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