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"Oh no! I'm going to be late!!" exclaims the purple haired boy, glancing down at his watch. Rushing across the town centre, he legs it across the streets, almost getting hit by a car at one points as he fails to look both ways upon dashing across a zebra crossing.

Breathlessly, he enters the office building and heads over to the elevator door to press for the lift upstairs.

Good thing I ate well this morning.


Jeongguk swivels restlessly on his office chair, bored out of his mind. For him, this is just another day at work and he is here simply because he has to be. Working as a magazine writer is just too elementary for Jeongguk; not challenging or mentally stimulating in the slightest... but at least there is a decent wage and he guesses that has to be enough to drive him to continue.

The office is of a reasonable size, equipped with sufficient computers for the team of about 30, plenty of space to roam up and down, even a kitchen available for when one is in need of refreshment. But to Jeongguk, it is nonetheless dull with it's lack of colour or taste for interior design as the ugly faded white walls stare back at him in whichever direction his turns in his chair.

He didn't ask to be innately exceptional at this area of work; it is true, his literacy skills are outstanding but... what is the fun in basically recycling other people's words? Back in the day, when Jeongguk was studying for all these impressive journalism qualifications he now possesses, he never really imagined he would be hidden away from the world, cooped up in an office... He wanted to travel, explore the world, learn something new everyday, and this was something he was promised when applying to work here, but it has appeared in recent times that even the biggest bunch of qualifications with the highest possible grade don't mean escape from some mundane repetitive 9-5 office job.

Meanwhile, as Jeongguk daydreams of a more promising and fulfilling life, writing articles for disinterested, most likely pompous, readers absent mindedly to fill up that bank balance...

An unanticipated noise from across the room pulls him away from his train of thought and before Jeongguk can even properly glance over to the doorway, all he can see is a blurred figure stumbling onto the floor down the small set of stairs leading into the office.

The figure scurries to his feet and Jeongguk immediately notices one distinct feature about the stranger; it is apt to note here that in Jeongguk's short moments of giving up on life at home, he would just lounge on the couch watching cartoons...

"Oh! Nice hair! Like Leela!... Dimples too... I wonder who you are, Leela?"

And just like that, Jeongguk is drawn into the appearance of this unfamiliar face. The bold, unique hair colour suggests a fun and animated character, not just animated in the sense of a cartoon-like appearance, but personality too.

Jeongguk isn't quite sure why he had given the stranger such a feminine name, but it somehow suits him, or at least in Jeongguk's mind it does. He not once takes his eyes off the purple haired guy as the flustered individual scrambles for the items rolling about on the floor that his bag had so conveniently discarded upon his fall.

"Should I go help him?" Jeongguk asks himself, one eyebrow raised in interest, observing the guy's struggle to regain composure and co-ordination, soon wondering whether 'Leela' has any co-ordination in the first place, noticing the disorientation in the klutz's expression as he scurries across the workplace towards the main editor's office.

"Maybe work will be fun today after all."


The purple haired klutz's name is not Leela of course, but Namjoon... and he is one extremely nervous Namjoon as he enters the boss' office, having read the name that hangs on the door probably more than 1000 times in the lead up to this moment, still willing for coincidence to take its place.

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