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The month that follows is pretty monotonous in the sense that nothing really changes for Namjoon. In terms of the content of the work he is putting into the magazine, he is doing rather exceptionally, earning no scoldings from the editor for lack of quality of work, and consistently finishing the work ahead of the given date and time... not that his outstanding work speed is noticed or acknowledged. After all, upon running errands daily, he of course doesn't fail to mess at least one up each day.

Yesterday was the coffee again, when entering the editor's office, filled with dread and nerves still despite having done this every day for the past 30 days... and he could swear that he hasn't been trying to count the days, but it's difficult to not be sensitive about someone with whom he spent the best years of his childhood and teen years, bearing in mind, the editor still hasn't acknowledged Namjoon as any more than an intern at the magazine headquarters!

Hoseok ignoring him as if he never existed in his early years, as if Namjoon hadn't had an influence on the person he is today, cut like a knife. Maybe it was more like a rope, pulling at his heart strings, getting tighter and tighter with each day that passes. It really shouldn't be affecting him now, God knows it shouldn't; this melancholy feeling Namjoon has been experiencing is indeed so unfair, tearing away at his mind whilst the editor gets on with his life, contently sat in his confined office, working away.

Actually, it wasn't even as though a kind-hearted guy like Namjoon had shaped Hoseok's personality, observing the cold manner in which he speaks to his staff and the lack of emotion in any of his words, unrecognizable in comparison to the younger, fun-loving, high-spirited Hoseok who never failed to make Namjoon smile.

Sometimes, Namjoon will again find himself daydreaming nostalgically on the treasurable times that he and his childhood buddy shared. He can clearly remember those times that he would feel a little down about himself, those moments of low self-esteem when school bullies would point him out for being a so called 'nerd'. The worst thing about these experiences for Namjoon was that he couldn't even take it as a compliment on his intelligence because they would tell him he tries too hard to be smart, that he'll never achieve anything significant, that he's useless because of his graceless, butter-fingered inclinations.

But Hoseok was always there to brighten his day, if not defending Namjoon to the hilt, just in the same way Namjoon would do his best for Hoseok who would often have similar experiences. Whenever Namjoon texted him the word, he would show up at his door within the hour, equipped with tasty refreshments and entertainment to occupy his friend's troubled mind. It became a regular thing, almost a running joke, that Hoseok would always bring a packet of sweet cakes to nom on whilst watching the latest movie release they could find.

There was this one time that Hoseok told Namjoon that the cakes reminded him of his friend, and should they ever part ways, he would remember him whenever he ate the delicious treat... Sure, the statement was sickly sweet more than the honey that glazed the piece of food in Namjoon's hand, but it was the thought that counted.

But Namjoon could no longer look back on these memories with a smile, because all Hoseok did now was make him feel anything but happiness that causes a smile and there was not one moment during his time in working at the magazine headquarters that Namjoon could count in which Hoseok had any regard or thought for him

"Intern! Leela! Are you not happy today? I have not once seen even a remote sign of contentment from you today..." Jeongguk abruptly speaks over Namjoon's shoulder, an action Namjoon has trained himself to become used to at this point, having eventually become aware of Jeongguk's habits and mannerisms.

"What makes you say this, writer? I am fine. I am working; leave me to write, please" Namjoon replies as politely as possible, wishing to decline Jeongguk's initiation of conversation.

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