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Locking up behind him and chucking his house keys into his jacket pocket - and maybe, just maybe noticing that the scent of his jacket is becoming more of Jeongguk's musky odour than of his own - Namjoon stops in his tracks and gasps.

"Oh! The cafe is only a few minutes away from here! Maybe I can drop by and get a sneaky peek of Seokjinnie's date!" he squees, skipping out of the gateway, determined to keep up a positive mood tonight.


"I'm not sure I wanna be talking about my job" the man bluntly replies back.

"Oh?" questions Seokjin, leaning on one elbow, showing interest.

Trying not to appear rude, Hoseok leans forward on the table to speak more intimately and closely "I just had a bit of an unfortunate day today, and let's just say... I want to keep my work life and personal life separate where possible."

"Ah, no worries!" the elder smiles handsomely "I was just curious, that's all. Sorry if I hit a sore spot there..." he apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, still with a winning smile, even if there is a hint of uneasiness in it.

"Well, if you must know, I'm an editor for an informative magazine..."

"Woah! I bet you're one of those super smart types then! You must have so much knowledge in you!" Seokjin grins, feeling like a school girl admiring a hot teacher right now. "I do rather like to converse with people who aren't completely dim, you know..."

"What do you do, Seokjin?"

"Please, call me 'Jin; it's easier to say," the boy winks. "I..."

Now, Seokjin also never usually stutters or is at a loss for words when going out with a guy, but a distinct figure entering the cafe through the other side of the large glass doors and windows catches his eye, making his words falter. Granted, he might not have 20/20 perfect vision, but he knows who it is... who else around the area has violet hair?

Catching sight of Seokjin, Namjoon waves energetically at his roommate, pleased to have caught him on time. Not wanting to appear uncool, the elder simply nods in Namjoon's direction to show some acknowledgement, but this doesn't cease his roommate's energy.

Making a bunch of gestures, Namjoon tries to silently send the message to Seokjin that he wants to see the face of his date and to get the stranger to turn around. He tries pointing his finger downwards and moving it about in a clockwise direction, pointing at the back of the head of the stranger followed by the circling of fingers around his own face, and even fully turning around himself in the middle of the cafe floor.

"Are you alright?" questions Hoseok to Seokjin, curious as to why the latter suddenly discontinued his sentence. Hoseok tilts his head to try and get a better idea of where Seokjin's line of sight has wandered to, unknowing that the very guy that has been tugging at his patience for the past month is making a complete idiot of himself right behind him.

"Um, yeah, I just... Sorry. I do a few things for a living, actually... I model, I..." 'Will that boy just stop already?!' Seokjin thinks as his roommate continues to make all sorts of obvious gestures in the background; waving, twirling... is he dancing now? 'Oh my goodness, stop! Why is he like this?!'

Meanwhile, in his own little world, flapping his arms about in the air for the third time now, Namjoon fails to notice another familiar face within the cafe and is startled when someone tickles under his armpits from behind, causing him to screech.

"Leela! Come here often?" Jeongguk questions, clearly way more pleased to Namjoon than he is him.

"Seokjin, are you sure you are alright?" Hoseok asks. "If you're not feeling well, we can arrange another..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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