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The work day has finally come to an end, and Namjoon gratefully packs away his notebooks, stationery, and other tidbits, deciding to leave his 'lucky' Ryan plush toy til last... Really, the toy had very little impact on his luck and it was perhaps more of a comfort thing, having something familiar around in a new place, but he still liked to call it 'lucky'.

Solitary in the darkened silent office, Namjoon is the last to leave, or so he thinks. Running his hand through his violet hair, he makes a mental list in his head to make sure he has remembered to pack everything, but his thoughts are interrupted by the voice caterwauling from the opposite end of the office.

"Something in between hot and cool; sitting in the middle of the heat of a roaring flame and the wintry coldness of ice... As a smell, it would be burning wood stranded, floating on top of the ocean... A shade amid a vexed red and a calming blue that reaches out to the frustrated individual constantly trying to remain at ease... It stems a mysterious feeling because of its atypical nature, something one would only rarely come across when wandering through a forest of greenery..."

"Jeongguk? What are you rambling on about?" Namjoon inquires, having paid attention to every single word, for some bizarre reason, his question being followed by a twinge of pain in his scalp as Jeongguk comes up behind Namjoon and pulls out a loose strand of the intern's hair. "Ouch!!!"

Observing the grape tint that reflects minorly from the little light that illuminates the room, Jeongguk stares at the strand with wonder, continuing his little soliloquy. "If it were a tune, it would be a strong melody, yet delicately carrying one to a new place..." he continues, pinching either end of the strand with his fingers and thumbs, twanging the length with a middle finger as though strumming and instrument, staring into the hair in a docile way.

Namjoon decides it is his turn to interrupt someone, and he turns around to confront the writer "Jeongguk! Must you waste my time with your incessant babbling?"

"If you must know, yes" Jeongguk replies, discarding the piece of stolen hair. "I was just thinking earlier about how you would describe colour to a blind person, since they have never seen the world as we know it before... What do you think?"

"I think that they wouldn't know the colours red and blue that you spoke of" is the wittiest reply Namjoon can conjure, hoping that his new colleague will just give up and let him make preparations to leave for the day. He reaches back across the desk for the plush toy, but he does not manage to pick up the toy, for Jeongguk has beaten him to it.

Admiring the little yellow figure, Jeongguk gapes in awe "Oh wow, cute!"

"Oh wow, mine!" Namjoon snaps, snatching his possession back.

"So what do you think?" Jeongguk repeats, returning to the original point of his one-sided conversation.

"Jeon, I hope you aren't bothering our new colleague too greatly" a voice booms from the office door of the editor, and as the boys avert their gazes to the direction of the voice, Hoseok is leaning against the door frame, clearly unamused with Jeongguk... and clearly unamused with life in general.

"Ah editor Hoseok! You seem like an insightful man..." Jeongguk begins, on the surface seeming genuine with his words, but underneath, Jeongguk lets out a laugh with his inside voice, not really rating the man who has just entered the scene that highly. "The colour purple: your opinion?"

"Um, I didn't have you down as the type to be into foreign literature Jeongguk..."

"Huh?" Jeongguk hums, then realizing the confusion in his question "Oh no, not the novel; the actual colour."

"I don't know 'guk, it's just a colour, now get leaving; I haven't got all day to lock up!"

"'Guk?' Aw editor Hoseok, you cutie!" Jeongguk exclaims, clearly pleased with the nickname Hoseok just used on him. Jeongguk then takes it as a sign that he can push the boundaries a little by getting a bit too up in Hoseok's personal space, throwing an arm around the editor. "Don't worry boss, we'll be off in a flash!"

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