Episode 1: Left Behind

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March 5th 1921

In 1909, a group of men found a island not far of the East Midlands. It was a reasonable sized Island and they dicided to have the island as there own and started building a railway.

But all of them got killed in a fire in there house that was in Scarbourgh. Till now it was a forgotten island.

Until one day a man found the island and reclaimed it. Parliment agreed by it and so in 1921, the island was under the power of a new bussiness man.

He quickly got some friends and they looked at the island.

"What's that over there?" Asked Mr Smith.

"That my friend, is a bridge,"said Mr Anderson, the man who found the island, "a bridge from an railway. Come on."

And with that, they sailed over to the island. Where to the men's atonishment was a half built station.

"Wow, that is some station," said Mr Scarsbrook.

"That's not just it," replied Mr Anderson, "follow me."

They then started to walk down the line and into a small yard with an uncompleted shed and in it was two tank engines and a massive tender engine.

"Is that it?" Said Mr Salt who was a bit subborn but had a good heart.

"Yes Mr Salt, yes it is," smiled Mr Anderson, "this here, is a hybrid."

The men looked at the tender engine. It had a 4-8-2 configeration and it's smoke box was twice as long as another engine.

"One Sir Nigel Gresley's builds," said Mr Anderson.

"So you want us to build a railway with you?" asked Mr Salt.

"Yes I do," smiled Mr Anderson.

"I like it," said Mr Jolt.

Mr Scarsbrook, Mr Smith and even Mr Salt agreed.

"So where do we start?" asked Mr Smith.

'Fireing up are express engine," pointed Mr Anderson.

The engine smiled, "oh jolly good!" He said as he was being heated up, "I do need a good run."

"Us too you know," said an LBASCR I3 who sounded much older than them. The tank engine, that was a LMS MR 1F agreed.

Soon the tender engine's firebox was soon lit up and was steam nicely.

"Now for a quick run," said Mr Anderson.

And with he and Mr Salt drove the tender engine down the line.

"So, how did you came here and how did't you go back?" asked Mr Salt.

"Well I was built in 1910," said the tender engine, "then in 1911, I was brought here, but that was the year my old controllers died and we were forgotten about just like the island."

Suddenly he saw somethink ahead on the track. "Stop!" he said and just in a nick of time.

Right in front of them was a SDJR 7F. "Um hello?" Said Mr Ansderson.

The engine awoke. "Oh hello," he said.

"Um why are you here?" asked Mr Salt.

"I was placed here a year ago," said the 7F, "the third to be build of my class, I was also placed here a year ago because I was stolen and the thevies place me here on this island."

"Oh you poor engine," said the tender engine, "don't worry, me and my new controllers are here to help you."

They did but when the big hybrid was trying to move the 7F there was a loud big an screach from the engine.

Mr Salt manage to stop the steam and water flow into the boiler.

"What happened?" asked Mr Anderson.

"I don't know," replied Mr Salt.

"How are we going to get back?" said Mr Anderson.

"I know," smiled Mr Salt while staring at the 7F.

"Where are they," said Mr Scarsbrook to Mr Smith.

"I don't know," said Mr Smith.

The 1F sighed then looked into the yards enterance then.

"There they are!" he exclaimed and as Mr Smith and Mr Scarsbrook looked towards the sound.

They sawed the 7F pushing the hybrid into the half finish shed.

"What happen?" asked Mr Smith.

Whist Mr Scarbrook looked at the hybrid, Mr Anderson explained everything.

After he'd finish he looked over to see Mr Scarsbrook.

"What's the matter then?" he asked.

"The boiler's wrecked," said Mr Scarsbrook and all the men groaned.

"That's all we need," groaned Mr Salt.

"Two engines out of action," said Mr Smith, "that I1 needs new parts."

"That doesn't matter," said Mr Anderson, "listen, we have two in opperation now a half completed shed and station and a complete bridge to the UK! Now we have all of this land so, we can sell it to land lords so we can build the railway. Plus there are five coaches here so lets get these coaches and opperation engines restored completely and get selling."

All the engines and men cheered. And then Mr Smith, Mr Salt and Mr Anderson went to the coaches for restoration whilst Mr Scarsbrook went to work to clean and fix parts for the 7F and the 1F.

Plans were starting to go somewhere.

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