Episode 7: Mr Frek

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September 25th 1922

The railway's mainline was almost complete and thanks to Christen, Anderson had more time with building the railway.

Because of this, the people of Thesang were please that the railway would be fully opened soon.

All but one, if you haven't heard of Mr Frek he was in the vote for being director of the railway.

All the engines called him, a bean counter.

Ever since the vote, the engines hadn't seen him since. Until one day.

Hymerk was waiting with a passenger at Busdin when Mr Frek came up to him.

"Hey listen here you," he growled to him, "I want you to pass this message to your director."

"What is is?" asked Hymerk.

"The railway won't last long with you in it, let me take over."

"I don't think I will," puffed Hymerk sternly, "it was more likely that you would be replaced."

Mr Frek growled. "If you don't you will be sorry."

"I won't," replied Hymerk but as Mr Frek fumed of, Hymerk had a bad feeling.

The next morning, Hymerk felt footsteps in his cab.

'That's not the firelighter,' thought Hymerk after all, the firelighter had come a bit earlier before.

Then all of a sudden, Hymerk's wheels started to move forward the footsteps then lefted his cab.

"Bust my buffers," exclaimed Hymerk, "help, help!"

Luckily, Christen was shunting some coaches into the platform for the first train of the day. When he heard a puffing sound getting faster and faster.

"That's odd," thought Christen, "nobody should be out of the shed at this time."

Then, Hymerk came puffing out of the track from the points and was heading straight towards Christen.

"Oh my rails!" he cried and shut his eyes.

But the signalman saw Hymerk and changed the points.

Then Christen's driver bravely jumped over to Hymerk and manage to catch the bars on his cab.

He then climbed in the cab and apply the brakes and manage to stop Hymerk.

Hymerk sighed with relief.

Later that day, Hymerk was asked some questions about the ancident. After, all this had to be investergated.

After the interview, Anderson puffed up next to him.

"I know who did it," he said

"Who?" asked Hymerk.

"Mr Frek."

"Did you see him then," said Hymerk.

"Well, no," came the reply.

Hymerk face looked stern.

"What?" said Anderson, "he hates you the most and out of the entire island so far, we only know he is the only one to dislike the railway."

Hymerk then remembered Mr Frek's message and saying that he will make him pay. But he said nothing and puffed away to take a passenger train.

The next day Anderson, Ashfull and Christen were in the yard talking about Hymerk's ancident.

"And he came to a stop before the bridge to the mainline," finish Christen, who told the story to them.

"That's not just what happened that night ether," replied Anderson, "some trucks were found derailed at the end of the track."

"There must be somethink we can do," said Ashfull.

"Well I bet I can," chuckled a truck nearby.

The engines stared, not many of the trucks come into there conversations politly.

"What is then," sighed Christen.

"Well I was in this sidding last night and I heard Mr Frek with another woman and it sounded very odd," replied the truck.

"Why are you telling us this?" asked Ashfull.

"Well you see," answered the truck, "most of the trucks respect Hymerk since he tries his best to give us a smooth run."

"Ok," said Anderson, "and is he married."

"By the sound of the conversation they had, yes he is."

The engines looked at each other.

"This," spoke Anderson, "will come in handy."

"Don't you think about it," said Ashfull.

"What," blurted Anderson, "this information could be usefull and besides, he has threaten us!"

"He threaten us yes, but blackmailing him, no. We are inocence, not blackmailers." And with that said, Ashfull puffed away.

"He does have a point Anderson," said Christen.

"I know, I know," sighed Anderson, "lets just get back to work."

But that wasn't the last of it, the truck couldn't this information get to his fellow companions and soon enough, people started to talk about it.

Then when Mr Frek heard this, he stormed to Hymerk.

"You *******!" he screamed, "now I am going to go through hell because of you!"

"But I didn't know about it until a truck told me," replied Hymerk.

"Lier!" shreaked Mr Frek, "next time I will make shaw that you will crash!"

"Not when the police has to say about this."

Mr Frek turned around to see an inspector and a policeman standing with.

"Why are you here?" asked Mr Frek.

"I am here because the investergation about the little runaways have still not have been solved and you saying those words infront of Hymerk proves that you were the one who caused them. Plus there are rumors of you cheating on your wife and Hymerk."

Hymerk stared at the inspector.

"Is he threatening you?" asked the inspector.

Hymerk looked at Mr Frek who had widen eyes then back again.



"Non of that," snapped the inspector, "Mr Frek, you are arrested for, vandlising, cheating and threatening others. Anythink to say?"

Mr Frek said nothing.

"Silence, that's good," replied the inspector.

Mr Frek was taken to the mainland the next day and he had to make an very stressing divorce and the last time we heard of him was when he was charged and sent for prison for 6 years for vandelising and threatening.

But the next day after we heard the news, The Old Director came up to us.

"Morning sir," called King Callum.

"Morning," replied The Old Director, "listen, I have dicided to put the mainline construction on hold. The reason is that I want to build a branchline from Busdin, to a village called Larrine."

"But sir," replied Hymerk, "who will look after it?''

"You are," answered The Old Controller, "even so you cannot look after trucks, the goods juties will be low there so you'll be find."

The engines cheered and whistled.

"And," added The Old Controller, "we have already are half way finishing the viaduct for the branchline, that's the reason why we were slow on the mainline, so that's it from me. You can start constructing the line today."

"Yes sir," they all replied and they puffed away to start another day of hard work.

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