Searching (3)

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"Montoya, any luck on finding Vixen?"

"Ya, I managed to find her manager in her apartment. The downside is that she won't be back in town for a while. What about you and Dove?"

"Kind of wanted to join but couldn't."


"Wanted to help her brother--Hawk?"

"And MagPie?"

Puff. "Ok follow me to Gotham Arkham's Newest Ward."

"Okay see you in 10."

---10 Minutes---

"MagPie are you willing to consider joining the Birds of Prey? We will drop all charges!"

"Of course! Who's in it?"

"Me, Nancy, Copperhead & Katanna. The other team will be back soon."

"Okay, fine."

"We'll take you out in the morning to the Safe House. See you."

Birds of Prey I Birds On Two Worlds I Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now