Daily Hero (2)

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"So OverWatch, is it?"

"Canary, again I didn't mean to strike you guys! I don't know how many times I have to say this!"

"With your history Helena, it's better you die."


"You heard me."

"No this isn't you Dinah. Oh, this is sweet! You're not Dinah! She was sucked into the portal* by Gypsy!"

"Shh. You might want to keep it down a notch."

"Oh sorry."

"I'm here to keep an eye on the team and to see what the team does. Any plans will be immediately uploaded to Brother Eye's computer."

"Nice! I want in!"

"No. You can't. He came from Earth 2 and trusts me--and only me."

"That's nice. But still?"

"I can't. I'm really sorry. I have to ship you to Waller's prison."

"Ugh. Fine."

"No worries though, NightShade will help you!" said Canary as she wheeled OverWatch away from the interrogation room.

"Squad," said OverWatch.

"She's all yours. Good luck and bon voyage!"

"Thanks, Canary," said Cheetah.

The plane took off towards Belle Reve. 

"Now to initiate my plan," said Canary to herself.

Birds of Prey I Birds On Two Worlds I Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now