Earth-3 (2)

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As Catwoman and Canary entered the Safehouse they noticed that the rooms were silent and that is was pitch black.

"On my lead," Catwoman whispered to Canary.

They went up the stairs to the second level where everyone's room was. 

"Seems too quiet to be true."

"TWEEET," screamed the Black Siren.


Catwoman and Canary quickly ducked. Catwoman quickly took her whip out and whipped it at the Black Siren. It made a few crackle noises and Black Siren passed out.

"That was easy," Catwoman said as she rolled her whip back up.

"Almost too easy."

"Let's just lock her up Canary, before she awakes."

"Ok fine."

A portal quickly opened behind them and out came Donna Troy, Batgirl and Huntress.

"I see you found Huntress of Earth-3?"

"Yup. We need her help to take down Brother Eye. Where're the Birds?"

"I'm assuming they ditched out. Look at the last newspaper on the desk. February 28, 2017."

"Wow. We've been gone for four months."

"Hello?" said a voice as it crept downstairs.


"Ya, keep it quiet. WAIT. You guys are back!"

"Ya of course. Where are the others?"

"Ya about that, we all lost faith. Brother Eye took over half of the Birds. We had to team up with the Suicide Squad. That didn't work out for them since half of their members died. I stayed, hoping one day you guys would come back. Everyone thought I was stupid and so they all disbanded leaving me alone to be the only Bird."

"Oh wow. Guess that's their loyalty rule. But they all have other teams to deal with."

"Ya, that's true."

"What about the cops?"

"Nancy is doing fine. Montoya has died in the hospital of lung cancer. All has gone wrong while you guys were gone."

"Well, I look forward to creating a new team! Batgirl and the Birds of Prey!"

"Great you just put your name in front," said Zatanna.

"When'd you get back?"

"A second ago. Anyway, let's see about this new team."

"Ok well, I will need a team of at least 5. Come to the meeting room if you're interested."

A few people went in.

"Look, Babs, I loved being on this team. It made me have a sense of belonging. I have some unfinished business in Gotham with a few people that I have to clear up. Give me a holler if you need help!" exclaimed Catwoman.

"Everyone else in?"


"Ok great! Let's go see Eye!"

Birds of Prey I Birds On Two Worlds I Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now