Chapter Seven: Emi

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Ren's mother let me go home a little while after school would have ended. The boy didn't even bother saying goodbye, but I wasn't surprised. All he'd done throughout the entire day was point out how weak he thought I was, and ignore me.

"Where were you, Emi?" Altair asked when I finally made it to his library.

"I had to help out a... friend," I shrugged. "They were sick all day today."

"Well, did you at least finish the grimoire?"

"Of course I did," I smiled. "The principal of summoning familiars is quite interesting. The Wind familiars definitely seem so much more beautiful than my parents' Earth familiars."

"Can you name them for me?"

"The familiar that everyone can summon is called the pixies, which can be compared to fireflies that have a white glow and can summon small gusts of wind. Then there's the sylphs, which only middling Wind mages summon. They have the shape of a human with wings, and glows just like the pixies. They summon strong breezes and updrafts. Finally, there are the zephyrs, who take the form of a songbird. They can summon tornadoes, strong winds, and any other type of wind. Just like any element's familiars, if you summon a sylph or a zephyr, they imprint and they'll be the only familiar that you'll summon for the rest of your life."

"My Gale is a sylph," Altair smiled. "I've had her for many years now. I'm sure that you'll be able to bond with your familiar, whatever it is."

"May I try?" I asked.

"Certainly," Altair smiled. "Have you learned how to draw the summoning circle?"

"I've got it committed to memory."

"Alright. Then let's have at it!"

I took the piece of chalk that he offered me, and drew the circle on the ground, keeping in mind the exact detail of the circle. When I finished, I stood in the center of the circle, taking a deep breath. I clenched my hands into fists at my sides, squeezing so hard that my nails cut into my palms and blood dripped down, splattering on the floor.

I smiled, and pictured complete emptiness, willing the Wind magic to come and fill me and the circle. I stood there for a long time, trying to keep the emptiness. For some reason, it was more difficult than it usually was, and I kept thinking about what I had told Ren. Finally, I opened my mouth in a loud cry, and I rose into the air, faster and faster. Then, I slammed back down, landing in a crouch and barely avoiding breaking my legs.

"Are you oka-" Altair was cut off by a sweet, brilliant song filling the room.

A beautiful starling flew above my head, its purple, red, and blue feathers softly shimmering. I raised my hand, and it landed in my outstretched palm, causing the wisps of my hair to stir with a slight breeze.

"It's... beautiful," Altair smiles. "It suits you."

"I don't know what I'll name her," I whispered, scratching the starling's head.

"Think long and hard," Altair smiled. "She's your partner for life. Once you name her, you won't be able to call her anything else."

"Staccato," I smiled. "After her song."

"It suits her," Altair smiled.

"How do I put her back? I won't be able to bring her home..." I looked at the little zephyr, frowning slightly.

"It's just like flying. Cut off the supply of magic, and she will return to the winds."

I pictured the emptiness once again, and felt Staccato's weight lift from my hand, disappearing. When I opened my eyes, she was gone, and Altair was handing me a new grimoire. I ran out the door, sprinting towards my home. I was going to be late again.

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