Chapter Ten: Ren

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"I use Wind magic."

Her words were like a slap in the face. She was a Wind mage, not an Earth mage like her parents. That had to be why they considered her so weak. She didn't have the type of magic that they wanted.

"So, is that a Wind grimoire that you're reading?"

"Of course," she frowned. "How else would I learn it?"

"I don't know... From a teacher, maybe?"

"I have a friend who's teaching me," she shrugged. "But my parents will only enroll me in Earth magic classes. They keep wishing that it will fix me."

"Have you ever used Wind Magic?" I asked.

"Yes," she frowned. "But if you tell my parents that, I'll have to kill you."


"They'd probably lock me up, or force me to remove my magic."

"Remove your magic..."

"I'm guessing that you wouldn't know what it's like to disappoint your family, Mr. Prodigy," she turned the page to the grimoire.

"Why didn't you tell me, though?"

"I thought that it wouldn't matter to you," she set her jaw. "After all, I'm your fiance in name only."


"You never wondered why the Earth mage students hate me?"

"I figured that it was because you were weak."

"I'm not weak," she frowned. "But everyone is convinced that I am."

"Prove it," I muttered. "You still look pretty pathetic to me. Isn't Wind magic the weakest?"

"Actually, Wind magic is the most difficult element to master," she snapped the grimoire shut. "No one has ever completely mastered it. It keeps growing and expanding."

"Wind mages are still weak," I frowned.

"I'll prove you wrong."

"Right now?" I smirked. "I'd like to see that."

She took a deep breath. "I'll show you when we live together."

"Why then?"

"The only benefit of being married to you is that I won't fall under my parents' authority anymore. They won't be able to do anything to me."

"Have they done something to you?"

She burst out laughing. "Everyone has. Some don't even realize it, but most do it on purpose."

"What've people done?"

"I remember everything that anyone has ever said to me since I developed my magic," she sighed. "It's an endless list. But you shouldn't care. After all, you have that pretty girlfriend."

"Her name is-"

She cut me off. "I don't want to know. I promised that I'd stay out of your way, and I am. But I don't want to hear about anything you do. It doesn't have anything to do with me."


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