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First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone who took out their time to read my story. I have been extremely grateful for the past 5 years and continue to be. I started writing this story about 5 years ago and at that time I wasn't as strong of a writer and even today, I am still learning. When I revised this story, it dawned on me that it needed a good scrub. For the past few weeks I have been rewriting the first few chapters. I have decided to delete all the chapters and update the newly written ones with new material. The previous story had 30 chapters and the new one will have a bit more. The chapters that haven't been revised will have coming soon on them and will be updated every Thursday. The reason for this is that I didn't want to lose valued votes and comments by deleting the whole page. It will be extremely hard for you to know when I have uploaded because there won't be any notifications for a while until I reach the 30th chapter so if you can check back every Thursday I will be extremely grateful. Thank you so much once again and happy reading.


Music, lights and chaos filled my surrounds as I hugged a pole in the middle of a club trying to shake myself awake. I made an attempt to move towards the front door but a drunken couple bumped into me sending me back to my original position. I tried to grab for the pole again but I missed and landed onto the ground pulling someone with me.

"Sa Su Sorry." I apologised, giving my head another shake. It was my first time drinking and it didn't feel good. I hated it but Angela had pushed cocktail after cocktail down my throat as she fed me words of advice.

"Drink Katie... you need to forget about him... he made you a joke."

With every word that came, I downed a drink and before I knew it, I was in the middle of the dance floor hugging a pole as if my life depended on it.

As I struggled to stand, a sight of heels danced passed me sending a horrible whiff of perfume up my nostrils. It took me a second to realise that the alcohol bungee jumping through my system wasn't a fan of the smell. I heaved, got onto my knees and used the strength I didn't know I had to put weight onto my feet and scurried off to the toilets.

Once I barged in, the place was completely full and louder than the club I was just in. A fight was happening in one corner and girls stuffed their bras in the next.

I struggled but managed to keep the bile from rising to my mouth.

Once a girl vacated the toilet at the end, I pushed past everyone in line and dove straight for the toilet not caring to lift the seat. It was disgusting and to this day, I won't touch a drink because of that moment. I was sweating through my clothes due to the energy I was releasing along with everything in my stomach and I smelled like a sewer or it could have been the toilet.

I was about to wipe my mouth (with my head still inside the toilet) when someone slapped me on the back. I immediately thought to apologise before I turned into the girls fighting outside but I sighed with relief when I heard Angela's voice.

"You okay darl?" she questioned.

I groaned in reply

"Wow." She continued, "You really cannot drink huh." She sounded sober which was a good thing because she needed to take me back to the hotel given my state. It took me a while to get every poison I had taken out of my system and feel well again.

When I felt like I could stand, I stood onto my feet which were surprisingly stable and turned towards Angela.

"Please take me home." I pleaded. My head was pounding and the ringing in my ear refused to wane.

"First of all." She said wrinkling her nose. "You need a mint... second of all, we are not leaving."

She turned away from me and rummaged through her bag. "Gooood thinnnng I came prepareeed." She sang as she took her hand out of the bag. Before I could protest, she popped a mint into my mouth and shoved me out of the bathroom. I walked towards the sink to wash my face but Angela stopped me by turning me around.

"We are not going anywhere... you have one last shot at revenge..." was the last clear sentence I heard coming from her mouth. The next were words I couldn't make out because I was so tired and needed a nice warm bed to fall into and not a concrete floor to faceplant on. "now----- no------- Instagram------ jealous------ champagne and seriously-------- its only 10:30."

The next hours that followed –(to this day)- still come to me like strong flashes from cameras worked in the early 1900s. Solid, loud and with a sharp brightness that is followed by a haunting quietness.

I recall being slapped with warm water before Angela piled on another few inches of make-up onto my face. Then it was the loud flash of the lurid club that followed. Strangers that I didn't know seemed way too enthusiastic to see me and before I knew it, Angela was going- leaving me in the extremely touchy hands of a drunk blonde.

She however was back a long while later and grabbed my arm.

In a flash, I was seated between VIP guests who had lavish sprawled out on the table. A while later, those guests made way for two callers who stole the attention of those in the room. One sat right beside me- his face too stoic for someone in a club. His friend who was just as handsome smiled and had a good time. I remember looking at the stoic faced beauty and through the drunkenness finding his snide look utterly sexy. I normally hated guys with arrogance and though his self-importance steamed off him and clouded my surroundings I found myself liking him. It turns out that alcohol can create illusions – I am too embarrassed to recollect.

I recall turning to him and speaking... in a zap we were laughing then dancing- then a little too friendly- to- a little too drunk-

We were gone from the club later. I knew what I was doing... Angela had coached me well. I was going to get revenge on the man who had turned me from the hard working employee I was to the laughing stock of the legal world. And with each step I took with the stranger, I got more and more spiteful until we were under covers and making mistakes.


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