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Niall's POV

"Think of a number and close your eyes." She whispered in my ear.

"Should I tell you the number?"

"Of course not, silly."

"Is it 4?"





"Mmhmm." I chuckled.

"You dirty bastard!" she punched my shoulder lightly and pushed me on the carpet floor, planting kisses all over my bare chest. Her hands were cold as ice, I grabbed it and breathed slowly on it, warming it up in an instant.

"Has anyone ever told you how sexy you look in that v-neck?" I asked.

"'Cause it's your v-neck, honey." she answered seductively as she pulled the neckline lower, exposing her cleavage and biting her lip. "You like that?" I nodded as I pulled her on top of me, crashing our lips together, and her hands tugging on my hair as mine attempted to touch her breasts.

Her hands slowly made their way down to unbutton my pants and slipping it inside, making me groan hard as the temperature in the room felt hotter and hotter.

I kept my eyes on my phone's lock screen, a picture of me and Diana on our first date. That smile on her face was so pure and natural, and she looked happy. I miss that smile, I miss her laugh, the way she would play hard-to-get and the way she would just look at me.

I should have stayed at our apartment to take care of her, maybe she'll realize how much I still love her. But I don't even know if she'll let me stay, in a few days she might call and tell me to pack my stuff because Harry's moving in.

But for fuck's sake, we haven't even broken up yet. I wonder why she hasn't ended us, is that a sign that she still cares?

"You've been staring at your phone for a good 15 minutes, mate." Zayn said, his reflection in the mirror looking at me like I'm a freak.

"I just miss her."

"Well why are you here then? No offense, man. I just think that if you want her back, you should stay where she is."

"But I don't think she wants me. She wants Harry. She loves Harry."

"Then why hasn't she broken up with you yet? Grab the chance of getting her back while you're still officially together, because once that she breaks up with you, it's really over."


Diana's POV

"I'm so glad they chose Josh Hutcherson to play Peeta." I said to myself, aware of Harry's half-naked body with his head resting on my thighs.

"Can you stop reading that and just cuddle with me?"

"It's not my fault Eleanor left it here, and besides, it's actually a pretty good book."

"Whatever, I don't care." he shrugged and closed his eyes. I carefully traced the lines of his collar bones, throwing the book aside as my hand made its way down to his chest, making long red marks with my fingernails. His eyes were still closed, but I could see it in his face that he was enjoying what I was doing. I slowly slid his head down on the bed and lay on top of him, my head nearing his ear as I whispered his name multiple times. "Harry, Harry, Harry. Tell me what you want."

"You. I want you." Before I even started to unbutton my top, we heard a loud knock on my front door. "Who is it?"

"It's Niall." Our eyes widened and I pushed myself up, grabbing my leggings on the floor and pulling it up as Harry quickly wore his shirt. I pointed to kitchen, telling Harry to hide inside. I ran to the door and opened it, a beautiful boy stood in front of me. He looked like a wreck though, as if he hasn't slept for months. But he was still beautiful, his eyes were blue as ever above those dark circles, and that pure smile he always had made me smile too. "Hi."

"Is this a bad time?" He asked, aware of the fact that I was only in my underwear and a loose button-up top.

"No, no. Come in, I was just uh, reading a book." I stood awkwardly behind Niall as he made his way to the couch.

"The Hunger Games? Really Diana?" he mocked, eyeing the stack of books on the coffee table. "Shut up, Horan. No one asked you!" He chuckled at my response, flashing those braces and the sound of his laugh was something I missed so much. His laugh faded as he took a seat beside me, he sighed "Can we talk?"

"Of course."

"What are we, exactly? I mean, are we still together or do you need more time to think or maybe..."

"Stop, I don't think it's the right time to talk about this."

"I need an answer, Diana. I'm desperate."

"Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Diana, can you stop changing the topic?! I want a straight answer right now!! What am I to you?!" Niall stood up and knelt in front of me, his eyes were angry and I was tearing up.

"I don't know what you are to me. I'm not ready for this kind of conversation, Niall." Niall shook his head, he stood up and walked towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm packing my stuff."

"What? Why?"

"You need time alone, and this is me leaving you alone." Those harsh words crushed every bit of my heart. How could he say such things? And why am I feeling this much pain? I stood there with tears streaming down my face, then I suddenly saw Harry appear behind the kitchen door, "did you hear all of that?" I asked with guilt in my voice.


"I'm sorry."

Niall stomped his feet on the way down, a box on his hand and a huge luggage bag on the other. He was really leaving. He stood before me, eyes were dark and unreadable, he carefully kissed my forehead "I'll always love you," he whispered, making me cry even harder.

Then he was gone.

I sat on the cold, hard floor, losing my balance and Harry ran in time to catch me.

"I'm so sorry, Harry."

"You're not ready for me, Diana. You're not ready to leave Niall, and you know how I feel about this. You did cheat on him for me, but it's different now. When you told me you love me, I thought you were ready to let him go and be with me instead.

"Where do I stand in this? I don't want to be the third party anymore."

"I want to be with you, I really do. I was just caught off guard, Niall and I has been through a lot and I can't let go of what we had that easily. It's so hard.

"Please don't leave me like he did. Please, Harry. You're the only one I've got right now."

"I love you so much and even if it's hurting me, every piece of me, I won't ever leave you. I'm staying because I want you to feel that I'm ready to have a stable relationship with you. I want you to be mine alone. Please promise that you'll let him go."

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