The lunch break

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The diner was just a few blocks away from campus, so both women enjoyed the walk, which was mostly quiet, until Emma decided to brake the silence. 

"Isn't it uncomfortable, walking on those heels for the whole day?" She pointed to the Regina's legs. The brunette chuckled and shook her head.

"You'll get used to it, it takes some time, but eventually you will." 

"But wouldn't you rather wear just some sneakers?" Emma asked again, looking down at her shoes. She had no idea how could someone wear high heels all day. 

"Can you imagine me in sneakers?" The teacher raised her eyebrow playfully, looking in those curious green eyes.

"I guess not..." Emma admitted, putting her hands in her pockets. "But that doesn't answer my question..." She didn't give up that easy.

"Of course I would, but I can't..." Regina sighed.

"Why not?" Emma stopped walking and so did the teacher. 

"I don't have any..." The brunette explained, like it was the most casual thing in the world. 

"You're kidding, right?" Emma didn't believe that. 

"What makes you think so?" Regina questioned, smiling innocently.

"I mean... You can't have just high heels... Are you seriously wearing them everywhere?" The blonde asked concerned.

"Yeah..." Regina replied, not seeing the problem.

"That can't be good for your feet..." Emma observed, imagining what could that cause. 

"Don't worry, it's okay..." Regina waved her hand and started walking again, but the blonde pulled her back. 

"No it's not, I can see it on your face. You don't have to play though in front of me..." Emma assured her, hoping this will help.

"Fine, you're right..." Regina sighed defeated. "It's not okay... My feet hurts, a lot..." Her face twisted into a painful grimace, while her hand reached down to touch her aching heels.

"I have an idea, but first we'll eat, okay?" The blonde asked, although she didn't really need her permission.


It didn't take long, until they reached the diner.

"What may I get you?" The waitress asked politely, as soon as the two women sat down. She couldn't be older than 25, Emma thought.

"I'll have some grilled cheese and a hot cocoa... " Emma said and looked a her teacher.

"Hmm... Do you have any salads here?" Regina asked, her eyes piercing right through the waitress.

"Of course. Which one do you want?"

"I'll have a the chicken salad and a glass of water water. " Regina pointed to the menu in her hands. The waitress wrote down their orders and left, saying it will be here soon. 

Emma's lips curled into an amused smile , when she heard the brunette's order. 

"Something funny?" Regina put one hand under her chin, which somehow made her look even more intimidating. 

"Nothing..." The blonde smiled innocently, shaking her head.

"Are you sure, dear?" She asked with that teacher's voice. The blonde's heart jumped, when she called her 'dear'.

"Positive!" Emma laughed again, clearly hiding something from Regina.

"Okay, whatever you say..." The teacher knew, that Emma will say it after all, so she didn't have to force her. In stead she pretended to be interested in the menu, completely ignoring the blonde.

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