Let me in

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"Look what the cat dragged in.. " Ruby said when Emma made her way to the living room. "It's kind of you to finally decided to honor us with your presence." The brunette's tone was supposed to be sassy, but Emma knew her friend well enough to tell that she's upset.

"I'm sorry I was kind of distant for some time, but I have a good explanation.. " The blonde walked closer to the couple sitting on the couch next to each other.

"Start explaining then.." Belle, who was quiet until now, encouraged the blonde, not bothering to hide her anger like her girlfriend did.

Emma was feeling bad for making her friends feel like this. Angry. Sad. Upset. With a loud sigh, she sat on the couch next to them, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand to relieve some pressure, building at the back of her head. "I'm dating someone..." Emma started, pausing herself for a moment to think about what else to say.

"We know! And that's not an excuse to bail on your friends, Emma! You know that." Ruby snapped, not letting the blonde to continue. "And on the top of that, you decided it will be better if you just won't tell us. That's fucked up!" The brunette jumped from her seat, causing Emma to look up in surprise.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I couldn't tell you before.." The blonde tried to justify her previous actions, while remaining as calm as possible.

"What could possibly be the reason you couldn't tell your best friends about the fact, that you're seeing someone?!" Ruby threw her hands in the air, looking really angry.

"Because she's dating her teacher, right Emma?" Belle answered the question for her. She was smart enough to put two and two together and figure it out.

Both Ruby and Emma froze and looked at their friend in shock.

"You knew?" Ruby turned her head towards Belle. She sounded surprised, but mostly hurt and betrayed.

"Well, not for sure.. Emma mentioned something about a teacher earlier and I just figured that it might be the reason she's been acting so strange lately. " Belle explained, looking at her girlfriend and then switching to Emma, nervously.

"And you didn't tell me?" Ruby asked, feeling betrayed.

"I wanted to, but.. "

"But you didn't!" Ruby cut her off, before she turned towards the blonde. "And you!" She pointed her finger at Emma. "You.. " Ruby trailed off, not wanting to say something she would later regret.

Instead of finishing the sentence, she grabbed her jacket and stormed out of the apartment, leaving her friends behind.

"Ruby!" Belle called after her, but it was too late. She knew it will be okay. The brunette just need some time to process all this and then she'll come back.

"God, I'm so sorry Belle." The blonde put her head in her hands.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.. " Belle shook her head, and got up. She too needed some space, so she decided to go for a walk, maybe find Ruby and explain everything to her.

The blonde didn't know what to do. Her friends are mad and it's all her fault. A small tears started to fall down her cheeks.

She needed to talk to someone. Her mother wasn't an option. Mary Margaret never fully got over the fact that her only daughter is a lesbian. She respects it and she loves Emma no matter what, but the blonde knows that deep down her mother wishes that she was straight. So calling her and ask her advice on this matter seemed a like a bad idea.

Then there was her father, but Emma too didn't think its a good idea to bother him with this kind of thing.

Only one other person came to her mind. Regina. Not thinking twice, she grabbed her phone and dialed Regina's number.

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