How to treat; Paperjam!!

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Pj's turn!!! (Pj: hell no...)

-made by MEEEE/silvia and maybe pj ( -.-")-

1.) hug pj.

2.) he hates them =3

3.) annoy him any way as possible.

4.) cuz i love it when he suffers =}

5.) but prepare for death.

6.) he may be an asshole, but he's still a lovable guy :3

7.) don't even bother to flirt with him.

8.) cuz it has no affect ;w;

9.) puns.

10.) try to be friends with him.

11.) so theres less chance you can get bullied 😂

12.) don't even think about hurting him (slap, punch or kick).

13.) trust me, it hurts as hell. Cause he's made of tough bones. 😂

14.) LICK HIM //slapped

15.) Do NOT lick me - pj

16.) dont let pj hit you ;-; it hurts as hell!

17.) help me annoy pj :DDDD

18.) don't worry, ill be the one who gets beaten at the end ;w;

19.) slap him very softly. For no reason...(its not like i didn't have any idea or anything! >.>)

20.) more puns!

21.) give him sum milk!!

22.) get me away from silvia please...-pj (me: why does everyone hates meeee ;w;)

23.) when you see pj sad.

24.) tease him =3 joke, just comfort him

25.) yeah, he's edgy as fuck! you need to be careful not to be hurt by his words he might not mean it!

26.) get away from me. -pj


28.) do NOT listen to sil's tips... they'r awful....

29.) yeah he's right.. SO THATS WHY I MIGHT MAKE ANOTHER ONEEE =3 (UGHHHH-pj)

30.) LOVE PJ!!!🖤💖💜


I didn't mean some of those and btw im just making this for fun dont judge 😂😂😂 this was finishes two hours ago but i forgot to post it lol sorry! And also imma do the normal characters not with something like 'shy goth' or 'tsundere_____' or i'll make someday if i can thats is lul!  Im just being lazy thats all sorry ;w;

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