part 10

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(Jason pov) what do you want i yelled. Why are you doing this i yelled again. Because its fun sky said calmly and gave a devilishly smerk. Please let cry go i asked with tears in my eyes. Why should i sky said. Because i asked i said? Hopefully he'll say yea. What about i dont let him go but ill let you visit him sky said. And he gets more food and a better room i commanded. That can be arranged sky said. Well i have to go LIFE sky said. Were are you going i asked i have a meeting with on my Generals sky said. Oh i for got you have 4 generals i said. Witch on i asked. The west general sky said. Then sky just started to laugh. Whats so funny i ask. Do you even know the generals names are sky said between laughs. No why would i i said. The west general i Mark

 (LE GASP)  (if you know who this is i love you)No your a liar i yelled

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(LE GASP)  (if you know who this is i love you)
No your a liar i yelled. Nope im telling the truth sky said. And guess whos his slave sky said. .... I said nothing. Jack sky said. Any way i better get going ill see you later sky said.

Life (skymu) (On Hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt