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The next day, Lloyd wakes up. Then he screams.

"Nya! Lloyd's awake!" Jay exclaims. He was just pouring cereal into his bowl at the moment. They rushed over to Lloyd's room.

"WAT HALE YU ONE WO ME?!" Lloyd screams, with a baby-ish accent and sound in his voice.

"Well, you remember that juice in my lab?" Jay asks. "The one you drank?"


"That wasn't juice. It was a a baby elixir. You're going to have to be like this till I can find a cure. Sorry, buddy."

"WAT!?!?!?!?!??!!?!"Lloyd starts swinging his arms at Jay, but trips over in his suit. "Oopsie," Lloyd says. "Bweter o et somefwing dhad fids me." He goes to his closet, looking at the lowest section of it. "HERE!" he says before entering the bathroom.

"Okay, Nya, you take careof Baby Lloyd--" Jay says, before he is cut off.

"I'M NOD A BADY!!!!" Lloyd yells.

"--And I will take care of the cure," Jay finishes.

"Why do I have to take care of, um, Lloyd?" Nya asks, trying not to include that 'baby' before Lloyd's name.

"Few reason," Jay says. "Your nice and know how to entertain kids. That's number one. Number two: I make funny jokes that annoy people. Number three: I'm an only child. That means I never had a sibling to entertain. And four, I am the one who invented and created the elixir, so I'M the only one who knows anything about it. That will help me make a cure."

"Okay, I see your point. BUT, this will teach us how to be parents. Plus, I already KNOW the cure," Nya says.

"The first part sounds convincing. But what's the cure?" Jay asks.

"Tomorrow's Tea. Duh."

"Hmm. But won't that take at least, you know, 3 days?"

"And that will give us more time to be like parents."

"Perfect! I shall start making it!" Jay exclaims and runs to the kitchen. Just at that moment, Lloyd exits his bathroom. He is wearing a small blue T-shirt, that has green stripes going vertically across the shirt. He had a New York Yankees hat over on his head, and it was facing backwards. He also had small jeans, which were dirty and broken. Holding them up was a Angry Birds belt, and he wore small red sandals, which were themed on the movie "Cars 3".

"Why do you have kid clothes in your closet?" Nya asks Lloyd.

"Always bwe prepwared. This doesn't weally fweel not normal. Ouwr daily basis is twurning intwo torwnadoes and uswing elements ofw natwure to sawe the worl," Lloyd says. "Speakwing of wich, lewt's swee if I can dwo Spinjitwu!"

"DON'T DO IT, LLOYD!" Nya warns Lloyd. Lloyd ignores her. He starts spinning, and even though his Spinjitzu is a foot shorter than usual, things are okay at first. But then, when Lloyd wants to stop, he realizes he can't control his spinning. He spins loudly and speeding up until Jay tackles him onto the bed. Lloyd didn't notice that Jay has come in.

"Goo?" Lloyd asks.

"OH, NO!" Jay yells.

"What?" Nya asks.

"Well, the elixir is working better than I though. I didn't plan to, but I accidentally added prospostiesrotimesnia. It's a chemical that does different affects, but in this case, it rid Lloyd of his memory. Now he only remembers his name and the thumb he sucks," Jay looks behind him. "It appears to be his left thumb."

"So what now?" Nya asks.

"Hmm. I can whip up remembrance tea, but that will take 4 days"

"Okay. So now we just have to play with him?"

"Yeah, pretty much. But now he's a 4 year old. It won't be that easy," Jay says, as he and Nya look behind themselves, to were Lloyd is laying down, sucking his thumb.

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