3- paper work sucks

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I had a sneaking suspicion that the captain was a bit crazy, but man was that an understatement the man was a loon. I look over at the mound of papers which really wasn't that bad considering that there was one question per paper and there was only 28 questions.

1- what is your full name?

Emily Ashlyn Gray

2- what is your age?

3- what is your gender?
Last time I checked I was a girl

4- what is your date and place of your birthing?

November 30th Vancouver Canada

5-who where your parents?
They were horrible people

6- how tall are you?
5, 5

7- what is your weight?
I don't know

8- what is your eye color?

9- describe your childhood in general.
I  was abused by my family, had no friends, and was bullied.

10- what are your greatest weakness?
I can't swim

11- what is your hobbies?
I like to sing and draw

12- piercings or tattoos?
No tattoos but I have my nose, lip, and top of my ear pierced

13- do you ever want a marriage, family, and or children?

14- how close are you to your family?
Farther apart then the north pole to the south pole

But then the questions got weirder like

15- are you a Virgin?
Um .... yeah

16- left or right handed?

17- do you want a hug?

18 - do you believe in the almighty captain?

19- how far will you go to defend captain?
As far as I have to

20- what are you?

21- how long can you stay under water?
I can't swim

22- Do you like the beach?
Still can't swim

23- Can you dance?

24-Have you been naughty or nice this year?

25- Do you believe in the Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and /or aliens?

26- I want to unicorn will you help?

27-Preson A is getting married to a rainbow dinosaur. How does person B feel?
Uh ..... um I'm Happy for them?

28-You found a time machine what are you going to do with it?
Leave it alone there's nothing for  me to go back to

After answering the question to the best of my ability I gave them to pilot. Pilot sat there staring at me the whole time waiting there creepily. When I gave them to pilot he jumped up and ran probably to give them to captain, and from what Alex has told me that zee captain's  name is actually seven. Speaking of Alex, apparently he's the one who made annet which is pretty impressive consideringthat he's only 21. with those beautiful amber eyes and clean soft rusty hair, actually now that I think of it everyone here is pretty clean and doesn't stink.

"Hey engie how are you guys so clean?" I asked

"Um... well there are showers here you can go have one if you want, but you have to hand wash your clothes. Follow me" he explained to me. I grabbed my dirty clothes, might as well kill to birds with one stone.

The shower was basically the girls locker room because the boys shower room had a fluorescent orange goo coming out of the pipes and no one wanted to deal with it, so they just boarded the door up. It had at least 10 shower, and it was pretty much just a girls locker room,  you know the ones you'd have at school. The floor tiles were a mocha brown, and and the walls were a pale Peach kind of a pink.

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