4- shower time

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Engie had gave me one of those hotel shampoo, conditioner, and a small bars of soap before he left. After washing my clothes the best i could I began to wash my self. About half way through washing my hair I hear the door screech and the heavy footsteps only to see pilot it took a few seconds to react with me and pilot screaming at each other.

"MUTANT YOUR A MUTATION!" he said screeching at me as I was screaming at him to get out, and picking up every and anything that I could pelt at him while trying to cover my self.
Suddenly the door burst open and snippy ran in rifle in his hand followed by engie who both stopped and took in what what happening.

"Pilot... I think that it may be time to have a serious talk with you" Charles said while him and Alex struggle to drag pilot out of the room leaving me alone again.

After my amazing yet weird shower I hung up my clothes to dry with my one pair of underwear, which only left me with the with nothing to wear. I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey, Em I brought you a towel and some of my old clothes to wear. I'll just slide them through the door k" Alex said but he sounded very nervous. I heard the door opened slightly and then close, I waited a few minutes then went to check out what he left me. I looked at the pile of neatly folded clothes, and the top of the pile was a bright neon pink bra with a slip of paper that read "velcome to mein fabulous amazing army mein little birdy" I'll have to thank captain and engie later. The old clothes engie had gave me were a baggy black shirt with holes in it, and some baggy grey boxer shorts. I walk back into the cafeteria where snippy and engie were making a makeshift bed for me in between their own beds. As soon as Alex saw me he went a bright red and looked away, and announced that he was going to bed as he took of his jacket. I looked at snippy who just gave me this look like he was saying that he knew something I didn't. As I layed down that night I couldn't help but think about all that's happened.
It's been a week since I met the group, and fuck Alex is cute. He's always on my mind and I've been trying to avoid him, so I don't get flustered like a love sick puppy and so  far it's working that is until now.

The captain had called me to his "quarters" for my first mission and my partner was engie. You see the captain strongly believes in the buddy system, and he's also seemed to have noticed that I've been avoiding engie, so to fix this he sending us on a team building mission to scavage for "fabulous trendy things." The mission is 2 days, and I have been givin my weapons back along with a captaina citizenship paper. So right now I'm just packing what little things I have, and I am so nervous about going with engie because I've fallen hard for him.

Now I've never really been good at dealing with my emotions in fact I kind of just avoid them altogether, but I've never been so in love before I mean I've liked a guy before but not this much. My brain is screaming around trying to figure out what to do and it's driving me nuts, maybe it's the radiation I don't know anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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