Chappie 1

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Damn...just damn. Your brother is quite the looker. Hahahaha Jk!XD ♪\(*^▽^*)/\(*^▽^*)/
Anywho,yes that's your brother. Don't go liking him cuz that's incest and I don't do incest. Lol
Disclaimer:Just so you know,the story is my own plot. Nothing related to Haikyuu's plot. So there might be random things that are not part of the anime.

"Wake up ya little sleeping beauty! Wake up!" Y/N flipped the bed of her brother.


"What the hell,Y/N?! I was having a great sleep!" He rapidly stood up and placed his hands on his hips.
" Yeh, I don't really care," She replied back casually checking her nails with one hand on her hip and putting emphasis on 'care'.
"Gotta hate much?" He inquired with an eyebrow raised.
",not really," Y/N shrugged."Just get ready. We're gonna go to school in 10 minutes."


"Race ya to school,baby sis!" Kazuhiko got his black bmx bike and started biking away.
"Urghh... Your only older for about a minute or two. Not fair! You went ahead!" She yelled,one hand cupped her mouth.
"Don't care!" He turned his head and yelled."Ya loser!"
Y/N glowered," are so on."
She got her white bmx bike and paddled super fast,fast enough to catch up with her brother and go ahead.

"Ha! Whose the loser now,loser?!" She turned her head and stuck out her tongue.
"Sis! Pole!" He warned with an outstretched hand
"What the hell you tal---" Y/N was interrupted as her bike collided with a metal pole.
"Owwww...." She groaned as Kazuhiko stopped his bike infront if her and got out super fast to check on his sister.
"Are you okay?!" He panicked and sat his sister in an upright position so that she was leaning against the pole.
"I DON'T KNOW! I just bumped into a pole and I think I'm okay with a bleeding nose!" Sarcasm laced every bit of her words and voice." Of course I'm not okay,you idiot!"
"Says the one who bumped into a pole," He muttered to himself.
"What?!" Y/N gritted her teeth in pain and slowly softened seeing the caring look her brother gave.
"Here," He handed a tissue and gently dabbed her face so that there would be no more blood. After a while,no blood present on her face,She thanked him with a hug and they paddled away to school


People made way for the two,whispering about how hot and good-looking they were.

Omg,that guy is so hot
I know
*cue squealing*
Dang,look at her face
She looks hot
Hella yeah.
They both look hot,ya darn moron!
Aren't they the captain and vice-captain of tokami middle school?
Oh yeah

Kazuhiko and Y/N were being oblivious morons to the whispering and thought the whispering were for other people. They walked happily and continued on their way to get their schedules and classrooms.


"Heya sis,what class ya at?" Kazuhiko asked scanning his little green slip of a schedule."I'm at Class 4"
" Same" She replied with a grin and both shared an identical grin in their faces."Subjects?"
"Math,History,Arts,English,Lunch,Science,Music" He replied with a shrug."Easy"
She had a look of suprise etched onto her face momuntarily before returning to a normal look,"Lol. Same. I guess we'de be seeing each other a lot more often."
" Yay!" Kazuhiko threw his arms around her with a big grin on his face.
"Stahp! " She pulled away . "Locker?"
" Uhm...321. You?" He looked up from his schedule.

"322. Just my luck.Stuck with an idiot for the rest of the years to come." She sighed and trudged along to her locker.
"Meanie!" He opened his eyes and saw his sister walking ahead."Wait for me!"






"322. Aha! Found it!" Y/N brightened and made a combination code of 707
She was just finished putting away her stuff when her brother slammed his locker open in her face.
"Oops," He slowly...slowly turned to his side with his arms tucked in like a puppy begging for food as chills went up his spine and he started sweating like a waterfall over his nervous face.
"Kaaaazzzuuuhhhiiikkko!!!" A tick marked appeared in your head as flames appeared behind you.

A highly female falsetto was heard throughout the whole neighborhood .
A flock of crows flapped over ahead in a hurry to get away from the noise.
      .     ~\(≧▽≦)/~~\(≧▽≦)/~
"urghh...did you really have to do that?" Kazuhiko rubbed his now injured head.
"Yes," Y/N said indifferently with a menancing aura around her.
Kazuhiko whimpered cutely and Y/N couldn't help but soften and hugged her twin as they trudge along the hallway of Karasuno(I just realized I never mentioned what school they were ≧∇≦)
They arrived in the classroom,10 minutes earlier than the assigned time for the meeting of the teacher.
Y/N sat by the window in the 5th row and last column. She had a nice view of the neighborhood and felt inspired to sketch it. She made a mental note to herself to do so in Arts.
Kazuhiko,on the other hand,sat also beside Y/N (hahaha you thought I was gonna separate the inseparable twins) and began humming a new tune that he created.

Ten minutes later,the teacher arrived greeting the students unpolitely.
"Good morning ya brats! I'm here to teach some crap about stuff you don't need to know about."
She was those teachers who were really young and liked rock. Judging from the twins' opinions since she was wearing a leather jacket with spikes in the shoulder area over a short-sleeved black turtle-neck shirt and  leather pants and brown boots.Her hair was short and purple and she had skull earings with ruby red lips while chewing gum.This teacher was awesome
Lol. I'm just messing with you guys.and I'm messing with you guys again. Haha
She actually was the kind of teacher I mentioned above except She didn't say the useless crap but it sounded like it.

"Today,We'll be tranferring you to different seats and I'm gonna discuss rules and crap like that," She sat on the table and checked her nails.
A groan was erupted from the class
She continued,"Those were too boring soooo no. But I'm still tranferring seats"
Cue a couple of groans
"But I won't discuss the rules. Like I said,too boring.sorry guys but I have to at least tranfer you guys."
Cheers were erupted from the class since they were given free time.
"Oh and you could whip out your phones and use them since there's a wifi for each one of you. Password is under your chair.Plus,surprise,surprise I'm your Homeroom period teacher," She lazily flicked her finger at them and in an instant she said those words,Bam! Every single electronic was whipped out.
Some using phones,tablets,laptops,ipads,etc.,Some doing art,drawings,singing,etc.

"Ahhh... I almost forgot,line up in front by height cuz I'm gonna tranfer you guys"

Nobody complained and rearranged themselves by height.
Lucky for Y/N , she was one of the tallest in the class along with her brother and this blonde haired dude with glasses who looked sassy and who just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes like he was the king and the rest are peasants.

"I'm Miss.Saki and everytime you get tranferred,introduce yourselves"

She started pointing at people and their assigned chairs as the line went shorter and the availability of the chairs shortened.At last,It reached Y/N who was to be seated in the same seat in which she grinned happily while the others complained and groaned as to why she got the same seat. Her brother on the other hand,sat infront of her and complained a little until the blond haired dude snorted," stop complaining idiot. You sound like a pig oh wait maybe you are one."
With this Y/N frowned. Nobody can insult her brother. Except her,only she can do it.
" Hey Kazuhiko,Did you hear something? Seems like a gigantic mountain is talking. I thought mountains can't talk. That's why it needs to shut up." Y/N pretended and shot back loud enough for Tsukishima,said by teacher, to hear.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes and muttered a small tch.
Unfortunately for Y/N he got the sassy blonde douche as her seatmate so she had no choice but endure.
She highfived her brother and started chatting with other people.
Unbeknownst to her,a certain blonde had been observing her and smirking, thinking this year was so going to be fun

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