Chapps 12

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As the teacher went out of class,Y/N yelled,"Can I borrow notes? Anyone?"
This caught the attention
Of most boys in the class. They surrounded her,waving notes in the air and infront of her face and inching forward so that she would get theirs

"Take mine!"
"No! Take mine!"
And so on until Y/N spotted Yamaguchi.
"Yamaguchi-san! Yamaguchi-san!" Y/N waved her arms in the air to get the attention
Of the said boy.Finally,she caught his attention,"Can I borrow your notes?"

Yamaguchi was kind of surprised by this. Out of all the boys,Why him?
"Ah...sure L/N-san," Yamaguchi allowed because he is a kind man.
"Bah! Just call me Y/N,yeesh," Y/N rolled her eyes."No need to be so Formal."
"O-okay,Y-N-san," Yamaguchi stuttered,not used to this.
Y/n facepalmed,"Just call me-you know what? Never mind."

She walked to where the seaweed haired boy sat and took the notes from him,"Thanks!"
Yamaguchi nodded and smiled,"No problem."

Y/N walked to her seat and of course,sat down and stared at the neat looking notes he made,"Wow,for a boy,his handwriting is neat."
"Hello princess," An annoying voice interrupted her admiration for Yamaguchi's notes moment.
"Don't call me princess!" Y/N growled."I am not a princess."
"What are you gonna do about it princess," Tsukishima provoked her."I don't take orders from you."
"Ah but as the princess,you must do so because I am higher than you in rank," She smirked,playing along just to make him stop.
Tsukishima didn't say a word because his teasings totally backfired on him.
"Ha! I guess I win~" Y/N did a raspberry and did the L sign,meaning Loser, with her fingers.

Tsukishima freakin ignored her.
Y/N sighed,"Anyway,Brother! Where are you?" She scanned the entire classroom and spotted her brother from across the room.
"Dear sister I am here!" He waved his hand up high.
Blake cringed,"Eww...don't just don't puh leaze"
She placed her hands on her hips.
Kazuhiko ignored her,"N/N! Did you-" He was cut offed when the speaker announced,"All teachers please report to the conference room immediately. We have important things to dicuss."

The teacher that was about to enter grumbled and walked away while the students cheered loudly. Suddenly,A bald head along with a brown haired with golden little tufts(that's a word) in the front appeared at the door,"Ey Y/N! Kazuhiko!Tsukishima!
Yamaguchi! Go to the boys gym."

"Wait,why me?!" Y/N asked.
She's not a boy so why does she have to go,she thought.
"Because! Daichi and Yui said!" Noya brightly answered."Call hinata and Kageyama please! Bye."
The two heads disappeared from the doorway and into the hallway.
"How troublesome(Shikamaru!)," Tsukki grunted and stood up."Let's go Yamaguchi."
They walked past the doorway and going to the direction of the gym.
"Go ahead Kazu. I gotta call Hinata and Kageyama," Y/N waved her brother away and proceeded to going to Class 1.

"Hinata? Kageyama?" Y/N poked her head through the doorway.

"Woah look how pretty she is"
"They know her?"
"What?! Hinata and Kageyama know the pretty girl?!"

Whispers were heard but the three idiots were too oblivious to notice.
"Yeah Y/N?" Hinata stopped walking when he was infront of her."What do you need?"
"First I want Kageyama to be here before I tell," She pointed out to him.
"Oy Kageyama!" Hinata shouted looking for the said boy.
Kageyama appeared along side Hinata except he was ticked of,"Oyoy don't shout idiot!" and rubbed the top of Hinata's head with his fist at the same time pushing him down while Hinata was left to saying,"Ittai(=ouch.kinda weird when its english)" Over and over again.
"Boys stop fighting," Y/N glared at the idiots which made them stop immediately.
"Your going to the boys gym with me."
"Why?" They asked simultaneously.
"Dunno. Ask Daichi," She shrugged and dragged the two to the gym.

"Ok team! We are gonna practice," Daichi clapped his hands together.
"wait wait wait. Why am I here?" Y/N asked,pointing to herself with her index finger.
"To help us train of course! And you know play with your volleyball team," Daichi close-eye smiled.
"Nope nope nope. I am so out," Y/N held her hands up high like she's surrendering.
She was about to walk out when Daichi and Yui released a menancing aura while glaring at her.

Of course,this did not affect her one bit but instead chose to provoke them even more,"Ohh...Yui! When did you get here?"
Yui got a tick mark in her forehead,"I was here since a while ago!" She was about to attack Y/N,who was just staring at her with a chill face like -w-,when she was grabbed by the vice-captain Akira.
Yui was still trashing around yelling some incoherent words when Puera appeared,"Hey guys," But when she saw Yui the Hulk,she immediately walked out,not bothering to finish her sentence. Y/N followed after Puera.

"Why does little-" Yui growled,steam coming out of her ears."Akira!"
"no need to shout I'm literally right beside you," Akira said,covering her ears.
"Oh sorry," Yui smiled sheepishly then remembered about the two trouble makers.

"Akira,practice the team please while I go out to hunt some devils."
She proceeded to stomp out while Akira stared there wide-eyed,"O-okay."

The Karasuno boys team were left there still trying to process what the hell just happened.

"If I were them,where would I be?" Yui contemplated,checking around her to where they were when she got a pretty good guess."Aha!"

With Y/N and Puera
"Do you think running away was a good idea?" Puera asked,sitting on the ----- (This is not a bad word!)
"Dunno. Maybe?" Y/N swinging from bar to bar in the ------ ----
"Hahaha lol," Puera laughed then she suddenly spotted Yui running towards them."Uh-oh crazy witch lady running towards us stat!"
"Huh?" Y/N looked at the direction where Puera was looking at."Uh-oh indeed. Run!"

With Yui
Yui was going to the playground when she spotted them. Puera was on a swing while Y/N was swinging on the monkey bars.
"hehehe got them now," Yui grinned evilly,rubbing her hands together and stopped when a group of students went by her and looking at her weirdly.
They shrugged it off and continued to what they were doing.

She ran towards them while
Trying in vain not to be caught but immediately knew she was busted when the girls started running to who knows where. They disappeared behind a tree.
"Oh come on!" Yui growled and stomped her foot and threw the stone she was holding to tue ground angrily,catching the attention of other fellow students that were chilling and hanging out.
Where she got the stone you may ask? She got it from the ground duh.

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