3. Going home

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~Skyler pov~

When I was done with my shopping, I headed to the bus station. Then suddenly I felt my phone vibrating. I took the phone and saw a text message from Mike:

"Hi, I hope you still remember me:) I am done with my training, so if you aren't doing anything, we could meet somewhere. Of cource if you want to."

When I saw a text message, I freezed. I haven't thought that he actually would write me. I was just thinking about going home and forget about this day. But I decided to try it, so I texted him back:

"Hi, I still remember you and I would like to meet you again".

I don't know, but after recaved that message I felt so nervous...He replaid:

"I'm glad that you agree. See you near the bus station in 10"

After 10 minutes we met near the bus station.

"Hi. Thanks for coming." He said

"No big deal. Still not doing anything." I replaid.

"Ok then. I suggest going somewhere to eat and then we can go home with the same bus...again." He said.

"Sounds like a plan."

We both smiled and then we went to find a restourant where we can eat. All this time we talked about ourselves, our family and what what we like to do in free time. After delicious lunch, we both were sitting in the bus, going home.

"I don't know about you, but I had an amazing time" He said and spread his hands by saying "amazing".

"Yeah...I liked it too. It defenetly was something...different."

"So?...You're Skyler."

"Or just Sky. As you like."

"Sky...Like the blue sky" He smiled and I smiled with him.

"I never asked: How old are you?"

"I'm 17. And you?"

"I'm 18. This year is my senior year. It will be interesting."

"It's will be fun. Finally taking your future in your hands."

"More like scary, I would say."

After some time there was our stop. We left at the same station, because I found out that we live near to each other. However our way to gome was different, so we needed to seperate.

"Well, I guess our fun day is over." He said with a sad tone.

"Yeah...but it was better then I expected."

"Well I hope it's not a goodbye and we will meet each other soon." He smiled.

"We live not so far from each other, so maybe we could meet more often."

"Defenetly. So...see you soon."

"Of course. See yea."

I felt so strange. I couldn't stop thinking about it. This day was very unusually. But I liked it...a lot. I'm hope I'm doing a right thing.

~Mike pov~

I don't know why, but this girl makes me feel safe, she makes me laught. I never felt anything like this before. I don't even know how to decribe the feeling, but I defenetly know that I want to see Skyler again.

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