7. I won't tell you

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~Skyler pov~

Next moring, I woke up and made myself a brekfast. I sat on the sofa, took a phone and started reading news on facebook. I wasn't happy what I saw. It was a photo we took yesterday of all of us on facebook. Logan wanted to share the amazing moment we had last evening, but the all problem is that no one knows about me and Mike, except Mike's friends. But right know I had to worry about what I'm gonna wear, because I had a meeting with my friends.

When I met with my friends, me, Mary and Clara were walking through the shops.

"Well girl, how summer going?" Clara asked.

"Great like always." I responed.

"Have you been somewhere?" Mary asked curious.

"No. At least not yet. But I'm whishing to." I said.

"Soo?...You really don't wanna tell us anything?" Clara been asking.

"Tell you what exectly?" I was a little bit confused.

"About you..." Clara started.

" And a cute boy in the photo." Mary finished.

"Oh...this." Now I got it what they wanted to know.

"Yeah." Clara nodded.

"There's nothing to tell." I said.

"What?! Nothing to tell? I think that he is your boyfriend. Isn't he?" Mary can't stop talking about this. I just rolled my eyes.

 I just rolled my eyes

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"Ok. He IS your boyfriend. Now tell us everything about him." Clara asked.

"Why?!" I was anoyed by them.

"Cause it's more interesting then shoping." Mary explained.

" Uh...I won't tell you anything right now." I said.

"Fine. When we can meet him?" Clara asked while looking forward.

"I don't know and I don't wanna know. Can we just go shoping. Please." I said.

"Ok. But we still gonna meet him someday, cause he has very good looking friends." Mary told.

I looked at her with evil eyes.

"What?...I also need a boyfriend." Mary looked at me innosent.

"Yeah...sure." I said.

After few more hours of shoping I finally got back home. I was so tired. Not from shoping, but from them and thier's questions. But still I wanted to see Mike, cause we haven't seen each other all day.

"You know...my friends really want to meet you." I said to Mike.

"Really?" He was surprised.

"Yeah...But they will have to wait." I said.

"Alright. And what about a kiss? Will I have to wait it too?" Mike asked me while looking in my eyes and put his hands on my waist.

"No." I said with a smile on my face.

We leaned into each other and we kissed.

We leaned into each other and we kissed

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