Chapter 3 1/2 : Narration

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Jisoo, I admit, is not really the brightest person out there. While she is.. or was... my best friend and is super gorgeous, really funny, and really nice..she can honestly be pretty dumb at times. Common sense wise, and educational wise. She is an average C- student who gets so easily flattered by compliments and is like a little puppy that follows people around. I really can't help but be like a mother figure to her because I feel like I am always having to take care of her and help her make decisions that should be able to be made on her own. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love.. or loved.. being around her, but it can definitely get really tiring at times I guess. But this is the first time we've ever fought. No matter how many difference the two of us have had, we always manage to get through them and nothing has ever gotten out of control before.. never like this.

Min Yoongi. By far one of the hottest guys in our entire high school, but also one of the baddest. He is known by most by the biggest playboy, yet no matter how bad his reputation is, every still goes back for more of him because he is just that irresistible. He wasn't always like this though. I remember the times when we were still young when he was actually one of the most innocent boys you'd have ever met. He was one of those boys even your mum would praise.

"I saw Min Yoongi today. Very handsome boy, he is."

"Min Yoongi seems like such a talented young man. Bright future."

"He is a sweet boy."

Sure at the time all of these things may have been true, but he has changed so much, it truly is unbelievable. Over the summer between eighth and ninth grade, he dated this girl named Nayeon. She may have been decent looking on the outside, but had the heart of the meanest person on earth. Actually, I take that back. She truly had no heart. She was 18, and Yoongi was only 14 at the time. She played with his heart and made him fall into what he thought was love, and then she dumped him really badly. Nobody knows the true story of what actually happened, but I heard that it was really horrible. Ever since then Yoongi has completely changed. From the way he dresses, to the way he talks, acts, eats, breathes. Nothing is the same anymore. Although I do feel bad that he has dealt with something that made him feel this bad about myself, I still know about all the horrible things he's said and done, and I don't want anything to deal with him anymore. Ever. He's just bad news.

Jung Hoseok, or as people call him Jhope, is similar to Yoongi in many ways. He's popular, cold hearted, and definitely catches your eye. While he may not be the most handsome guy out there, he still is really attractive, and he has a way with words that make you feel like the only girl in his world. But things couldn't be more opposite. Every week he's toying with a new girl, and when he feels like he's done with her, he pretty much just throws her away. I have no room in my heart for someone like him. I know that all he does is hurt people, and I want nothing to deal with that.

I've never even talked to the two of them for long, and they've already hurt me in ways nobody has done to me before. Just within thirty minutes they embarrassed, hurt, saddened, angered and stole my best friend and made her turn on me. If that all happened in such a short period of time, I don't even want to begin to imagine what they could've done to damage me even more if I decided to stay even longer. I don't care how hot or irresistible people think either Hoseok is or Yoongi is, I never want to see nor speak to them ever again.

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