Chapter 5 : Worry And Guilt

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  I reached my house and checked my watch. "1:24 am. Shit." I murmured. I reached into my backpack and pulled out my house keys, and very slowly and cautiously turned the lock. I got in easily and closed the door silently. Thank god I got in without waking up the whole neighbourhood, I thought to myself. I carefully locked the door behind me and headed up my stairs to my bedroom, staying close to the sides of the stairs, since those are the least creaky areas. I was getting closer and closer to my room, leaving me less and less anxious. I put my hand on the doorknob of my room and...


I groaned and turned around, "Mum, I can explain. I swear."

"Explain the reason why you are out over four hours past your curfew? This is exactly why I don't want you hanging out with that Jeon boy. I don't care how long you've been best friends, all he does is get you in trouble and it's dangerous, baby. I care about you." My mother replied sternly.

"Mother, it's not Jungkook's fault that I'm late and you know that. I was just out, I am sorry."

"I don't want to hear any excuses, and I don't need you covering up for future criminals like boys like Jungkook. He is banned from this house and is no longer allowed to see you. If I am ever to see you two communicating, know that there will be consequences."


"No but's. This is not up for negotiation. I'm done talking to you, Lisa."

"Mother please, this isn't fair. You can't do this!" I screamed already bursting into tears.

"At 8 am we are leaving the house for my meeting with a new co-worker at my business. We are going to have breakfast with her and you are coming with me to meet her son. He is a sweet boy, and very very smart. The type of boy you should be with, not some disgusting villain." She demanded.

Before I could reply to her insults directed towards both Jungkook and I, she turned her back away from me and walked away to her room.

"Go to bed. We are leaving in seven hours, and you better look presentable." she called.

I stormed into my room, slammed my door, and screamed into my pillow. As loud as I could. She can't do this to me! She knows nothing about me and what I like, and who I should be with. I refuse to let her take control of my entire life and tell me who or who not to hang out with! In the past my mother has tried setting me up with her friends sons, but only ended failing miserably because I was never able to find that connection with any of them. From a freshman in college, to future doctors, to students with a GPA of 4.9 (yes it apparently is possible), and all the way to a damn 13 year old in 12th grade, I've tried it all. It just never worked out. She just doesn't understand that I am most happy when I am with my friends... like Jungkook. I wiped away my tears and sighed. There's just no way to reason with a person like my mum. She is stubborn, strict, and always gets her way. But not this time. Sure, I'll go to the stupid breakfast with her co-worker and her weird ass son, but I'm not going to let her take my life from me.

I pulled out my phone and realised I had dozens of missed texts. I guess I had gotten so carried away with what had been happening that day that I had completely forgotten to read my texts ever since I left Jungkook and Jin at the house. That had been hours ago! I opened my messages and read them all.

Jungkook 💕 - 1:40 pm: "Have fun w/ Jisoo!"

Jungkook 💕 - 2:20 pm: "Catching up w/ Jin has been amazing, wht time are u and Jisoo coming home? Jin wants to eat dinner with all of us."

Jungkook 💕 - 3:02 pm: "Jin and I are going out to eat a late lunch, so if u want, u should meet up w/us!"

Jungkook 💕 - 3:46 pm: "Haven't heard from u for awhile. Hope ur having fun. Call later?"

Jungkook 💕 - 4:13 pm: "I love being w/Jin, trust me. It's great. But I miss talking to u! I sound crazy and overly attached I'm sry. But srsly... lol. txt me!"

Jungkook 💕 - 4:47 pm: "Jin and I will be @ the theatre watching a movie so meet us there? From 6-8:30"

Jungkook 💕 - 8:45 pm: "Movie just ended. It was rlly good. Was expecting u to meet up but its chill. I'll take you to watch it tomorrow :) ull love it."

Jungkook 💕 - 10:00 pm: "Lisa? Are you alright? It's been hours."

Jungkook 💕 - 10:10 pm: "Call me, I'm worried. It's getting late."

Jungkook 💕 - "5 missed calls"

Jungkook 💕 - 11:46 pm: "Lisa, answer. This isn't like u, if ur mad @ me, just tell me. But I'm getting really worried. Jin just texted me and Jisoo hasn't gone home as well. U two better be safe."

Jungkook 💕 - 11:47 pm: "I'm probably freaking out over nothing haha sry. You two probably having a girls night. Have fun Lees <3 Call me before u head off to sleep so I know ur okay."

Jungkook 💕 - 1:34 am: "You haven't answered in hours, and we never have been apart this long. Something's wrong, I'm worried. I'm coming over. I don't care if you're purposely ignoring, me I just need to know you're okay. Please be safe."

I read through them all and instantly felt so guilty. While I was out for hours catching slight feelings for that new stranger boy I had met on the street, my best friend in the entire universe was watching out for me and panicking because I decided to be self centred and pretty much forget about him. I didn't even think to have the common decency to even read his texts, let alone REPLY. "He must be so worried," I thought to myself. Poor thing. He is just too sweet. I looked at the time of the last text '1:34 am'. That was only 3 minutes ago and he lives 5 minutes away. He'd be here any minute now. Right when I stood up to open my windows, there he was climbing up the ladder on the side of my house. I opened up my windows so he could get in my room and instantly hugged him. We had to be quiet so my mum didn't fine out though.

"Kookie, I'm so sorry I just read your texts. I didn't mean for you to worry this much," I cried still grasping onto him.

"Thank god you're okay, Lees. Thought something bad really happened where were you? Are you okay?" He asked with his eyes full of worry.

"I'm okay I just got caught up talking to someone I had met this afternoon," I replied feeling a bit ashamed.

"New friend? What's her name?" He asked, shining me his gorgeous smile.

"Oh his name was Namjoon, if I remember correctly." I replied.

"Wait.. him? It's a guy?" He questioned with his gorgeous smile disappearing in an instant.

"Yeah. He's new here, maybe he'll join school with us!" I exclaimed.

I looked into his eyes and saw clear signs of jealousy and sadness. I've never felt so guilty.. I tried to play it off as if it were no big deal, but I think I was making him feel worse.

"So.. you ignored me and didn't even bother checking in, just so you could talk to some random stranger you'd just only met tonight?" He said weakly.

"JK, he isn't just some random stranger, he's a friend. But that's all. I'm sorry I didn't read your texts. I really didn't mean for this to happen.." I trailed off.

"Yeah of course, okay," he gave me a weak smile and said, " I have to go now. Goodnight, Lisa."

I opened my arms for a hug but he'd turned away too fast and left out of my window disappearing into the darkness of the early morning. My eyes were tearing up. What had I done.. Not only had I worried him a lot, but I also ignored his many innocent and caring texts just so I can get close with a guy I barely knew.

I sighed as I locked my window, and jumped into bed. Jungkook was right. Maybe Namjoon was just a random stranger I'd just come across. And maybe.. I just needed to keep my distance from him.

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