Chapter 6 : Kim Namjoon

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  "Lalisa, what did I say about looking presentable? We are leaving in five minutes. Get up, and get ready." My mum yelled at me.

I sat up in shock. How was it already 7:55. It felt like Jungkook was in my room just over ten minutes ago. Had six hours really passed? I looked down at my pillow, dampened by the tears I shed last night and flipped it over. I got up, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on an outfit I was actually pretty proud of. A pair of heeled boots, black ripped jeans, and a cute top that Jungkook had bought me for my birthday one year. I grabbed my wallet and phone and left the room.

"What do you think you are wearing?" my mother exclaimed. "Go back in and put on a dress. Now. I said look PRESENTABLE, not as if you were going to join some rebellious gang!"

Normally I would fight back or try to stand up for myself, but I was honestly too tired to fight back at this point with Jungkook and Jisoo on my mind, so I just replied with a simple "yes mother," and went into my room as I slipped on a floral dress. I walked out of the house into the car where my mum would not stop rambling on and on about this family we were meeting.

"This is an important meeting, Lalisa," my mother said sternly.

"Yes, mother. I know."

"If this meeting goes well, not only will I get a really good business deal for the company, but you are also going to get introduced to her son." She paused and looked at me, "Handsome boy, you know. I know you will like him. Ask me about him," she urged.

"Fine mum. What is he like?" I asked reluctantly. I couldn't stand thinking about getting 'paired up' with a guy especially with how I left things off with Jungkook earlier this morning. I know I am not dating him, and that's not I am even wishing for.. I think. It's just that I can't stand thinking about how I hurt his feelings like that. He is normally really patient with me. I know I screw up a lot, but this time I think I really hurt him and I really didn't know what to do.

"I'm glad you asked!" My mum exclaimed interrupting my thoughts.

I sighed and turned to listen to her talk. She did sound excited after all..

"He just moved here in San Diego recently and live in a really nice house. Rich family. Mother is a CEO of the company I am going to have a partnership with soon hopefully. Her son is going to be a sophomore with you and he is starting school in a few days once this spring break is over. He is a very smart boy, GPA over a 4.0, and he is by far the most handsome I have introduced you to. And according to some of my sources, he is even musically gifted! Now, Lisa, how amazing does that sound?" She swooned as she turned left at the next corner.

"Great, mum. Just great." I sighed looking down at my phone checking every ten minutes for texts from Kookie.

I was so focused on looking down at my phone that once I got out of my car I didn't even notice where I was. If I had been looking up and paying attention, not only would I have noticed that I KNEW the very house we had just arrived at, but I also would've seen the boy standing at the entrance preparing to greet us.

We walked up the driveway (while my eyes were still glued to my phone) and I heard my mum whisper, "Lisa. Manners." I looked at her pleading but I knew she wouldn't give me any pity, so I just put my phone away and walked straight into something... or someone.

"LISA!!" My mother gasped appalled.

Startled, I looked up and quickly apologised. "I-I-I'm.. sorry. I wasn't paying attention and..." I made eye contact with the boy I had crashed into and gaped as I slowly started to put all the pieces together. The boy from last night that I had met from the tree, Namjoon, is the son of my mother's coworker that we are having lunch with today. The boy that had gotten me into so much of a predicament with Jungkook and soon to be starting school with me...

I looked at him in the eyes and realised that he was just as shocked as I was, if not the same, then even more. His mother soon walked out and bowed a bit.

"You must be Lalisa. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard such good things." She smiled at me as she reached out her hand to shake mine.

"Please come in," Namjoon smiled to my mother and I as he rested his hand on his mother's shoulders.

Hmm. Charming, takes care of his mother well, inviting, warm, polite. He really is the full package. I shook my head. No. I could not be thinking that. Not after he had gotten me into issues with my best friend.

My mother and I turned to walk in and once Namjoon and his mother were out of hearing range, she whispered. "He is even better in person, isn't he!!!" And walked off into Namjoon's mother's workroom to discuss business matters.

I turned around to see him staring right at me, and couldn't help but blush.

"So Lisa, you're the girl that my mother has been perpetually prattling about. The 'amazing girl'."

I laughed and replied, "So you're the boy my mum has been gushing about all morning. The most 'incredibly smart and handsome' young man huh."

He spun around for me to get a look at him, "So what are your insights? Incredibly smart? Handsome?"

I laughed and teased, "I guess you're alright..."

"Alright?" He questioned. "Didn't seem like 'just alright' last night when you were blushing away and staring at my face for decades.." He laughed.

I gasped and smacked him "Oh shut up." I looked at him and smiled. He really was handsome like my mother said earlier. And from what I've heard he really is smart based solely off of the way he speaks and acts.

I just wish I could spend some more time with him to get to know him better, I guess. I wish I knew him more as a person so I can see how he really is. Last night wasn't enough.

As if he could read my mind he said, "Hey, you wanna go upstairs and talk? I've got a pretty congenial couch up there and a television as well. We can insert a film if you want."

I stared at him. Alone in a room with a guy I had just met? And while I'm still fighting with Jungkook right after I said I would stay distant from him?

He stared at me with his beautiful eyes. "So you wanna?"

I sighed. "You know what? Let's." I replied as I dragged him by his arm up the stairs laughing, trying to forget all that was happening.

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