Clever Little Lion Mouse

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A) Why do we; be small papa?
B)Donnie, why ask such a qesution?
A) I want to be a lion some day papa.
B) Your a mouse.
A) Alrigth then I'll be the frist smallest lion mouse ever in the world.
B) The world? Its too big!
A) I know papa but the heart is bigger.
B) Sure indeed Donnie it is.

--Full Of Love--

I lost myself,
To love,
Finding my way again,
Knowing I may get hurt again,
I brave up and let my doubts fade away ,
Walls are still high but not as thick,
From the start,
Wide eyes open,
Unknown of the heart I own lays alone,
Beating for one,
Belly cramps and grin slightly turns,
Beating for two because of you.
***This is your story, to what you understand from it and what you read, be in depth or be simple, you decide.***

So easy,
(Why can't you see?)

So accepting,
(You can't always be right?)

The blame,
(Its not all you?)

The flash drive to the car froze,
(What was on your mind?)

JANUARY couldnt go any faster,
(Did it all start from then?)


--Cold Feet--

Maybe love isnt enough,

Sometimes you just got to cry  and break up,

Maybe I am to sensitive,

So alone in a busy room,

I cant take criticism,

Hummer to the nail inside the heart,

Till midnight,

The celebration  is tempoaray,

Shall I hang my shoes on the power lines and run into the night barefooted.



Why do you always think of food?

Texture of it all,

Seems so good,

So gold and crunchy,

Gives you a slight surprise of softness in the middle,

Flavor is a delightful sensation but i just cant fit into my jeans?

Stupid fries.

-- Pear Shape--

Tired of feeling down,
I'm down because I am tired.

Stress of failure,
I'm a failure because I stress to much.

I feel sleepy and forcing myself up,
To up my moods because its day and I shouldn't be sleeping now.
--By You--
I've never really teach anyone a lesson,
Everyone's has face rejection,
In there lives,
They are who they are now,
How can I tell you any difference?
Between you and I,
Most people knew how we felt,
Some knew you felt it too,
You couldn't even look at my eyes back then in December and today I walk right past you.
-Twin Sister-
Alone lying on a road to nowhere,
Feeling like my words won't change your mind,
Powerful book I hold in my hands,
Forgive me so,
I no longer belong to the bonds we where born with,
No longer playing it safe,
I will probably burn and scar,
As long as I'm far from you and that's okay.
-Fake Spell--
I, that is me, I cannot believe in myself,
Oh goddess of the earth and the sky please guide me to a healthy life and more active path,
So I can believe in myself once again,
I would say so more it be but I'm afraid it's not a spell anymore.
--My King--
Sometimes l  seem like a  Hurricaine shifter,
Even though I joke about it,
You agree I'm crazy,
I throw fists around and chuck a tantrum,
Even though I am happy,
I still act like a little bitch and you still love me.


--Woman, Girl Love--

Another lifetime,

We stay together,

Tries of joy,

walking and opening up again  for another chance,

will  do it right this time and we wont fight who we are.

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