1) starry eyed moon

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I shuffled my small feet along, the bright moon shining light on us through the small window in the attic. Boxes and old antiques piled on top of stuff laid around the gigantic-seeming attic. A cold breeze swept through the attic, lifting my oversized t-shirt up a bit. The attic was quite dark besides the natural moonlight beaming through the small space. Absence held a lantern, a small mason jar containing fairy-string lights, lighting up his handsome face as he led me by the hand to the center of the attic.

Our friend, Echo, followed close behind, trying so hard to hold in her excitement for she was so curious about the things that could be hiding behind every nook and cranny.

Absence took a seat and so did I. Echo soon did too, though she more jumped down, causing a bit of noise.

"Please do be quiet, Echo... If his parents found us up here..." I began to say.

"It's alright, Shade. Don't worry." Absence reassured me. He smiled a smile I knew well, one that could only be smiled at me, as I am his lover. He could never flash this smile to anyone else, he never felt the need to. He never really wanted to. He loves me and I love him. As simple as that.

His eyes were soft making me smile and my cheeks burn.

"You two make me feel like a third wheel..." Echo said, watching us flirt with only our glances. At this age, Echo would say stuff like this a lot. She was very much a Captain Obvious.

"Sorry." Absence said, winking at me before looking back to Echo.

"Are we gonna do this or what? I'm excited!" Echo asked, starting to jump in excitement because she couldn't handle the wait. I don't understand, what's so fun about talking to a ghost or a demon even..? Isn't it dangerous?

"Yeah, yeah. Hang on." Absence said, running his hands through his hair. He did that every now and then, only to keep his beautiful blond fringe in check. He pulled a small ouija board from inside his hoodie. He unfolded it and placed it in-between the three of us. He placed the 'lantern' next to him and he put the Planchette on the board. He smiled.


"Fuck Yeah!" Echo shouted.

"...no.." I said, sorta small. I don't think they heard me. Echo and Absence very lightly touched the Planchette and Absence noticed I didn't.

"C'mon hon. It's alright. Scoot closer to me if you need." I did what he said. I scooted closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. Absence smiled and began to try and talk to some spirits.

After a while of trying to talk to a spirit, the 'lantern' went out. All you could see was the board of course, all of our faces, due to us being so close, and the starry eyed moon, which was shining brightly through the ceiling. Absence looked down at me, I looked worried. He kissed my forehead and Echo smiled.

"You're so cute. It's so gaaaaaayyyyyy." Echo giggled. Yes, it is very gaaaaaayyyyyy.

I looked at Absence, who was looking up at the stars, their reflections hitting his eyes, making them shine and shimmer. He smiled as I leaned on him.

"Are we still doing this..?" Echo asked.

"Yeah." Everyone placed their hands back on the Planchette. Suddenly, a breeze came through causing a box with a few old photos and paintings to fall over, crashing down and making a loud noise. One of the paintings was framed, and glass shattered everywhere. Soon you could hear mumbled voices coming from downstairs, footsteps coming from the steps that staircase coming up to the attic. Absence got up and grabbed Echo and I's hands. He led us behind some boxes, where we could see Absence's older sister, Angel, come into the attic, she had long skinny legs and lanky arms that stretched further than they should. Her long white dress was flowing in the breeze, her shoulder length, hazel brown hair staying in place.

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