3) trouble

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"W-what do you mean?" Absence began to say, he sat back down and Echo and I sat behind him. Angel was still blocking the entrance. She looked at him and frowned.

"You know what I am talking about, Idiot. Explain. Now." Her eyes raced over to me, she stared at me and I just looked back with nervous, wide eyes. Like Echo, I was always worried. Not as much as her though.

Absence sighed then began to spill. "We we're playing a game."

"With a ouija board?!"

" Yes but it was fun." Absence snickered.

"Talking to demons isn't a game. It's no laughing matter either. You dimwits forgot to say goodbye."

Echo said something before anyone could say another word. You could hear the worry in her voice as if she were afraid Angel would do something to her. "Yeah... but summoning one isn't either."

Echo hides her face under the blanket that was wrapped around her. I looked back to Angel and her eyes burned with rage. She looked at Echo and unblocked the entrance. She crawled over to our friend and looked her deep in the eyes. Echo looked up and grabbed the charm on her necklace and squeaked. Echo's breathing got heavier as Angel inched closer and closer to her.

"Don't test me, Echo Schmidt." Angel said, leaning closer to Echo's face.

"Why were you up there doing that though..?" Echo asked, curiously. When she's worried she asks a lot of questions, either to someone else or herself.

"Stop asking questions."


"Stop and shut your trap!"

"I just wa-" Echo was interrupted by Angel grabbing ahold of her by the wrist. Echo teared up and looked shocked. Angel leaned in closer to Echo's face as Echo tried pulling away. I looked over confused on what to do.

"I said to shut up. What do you not understand about that? Say anything to anyone and I will snap your 14 year old neck. Now shut the hell up and get out. All of you. Breakfast is ready." She let go of Echo, crawled out of the tunnels, and got out of Absence's room. Absence grabbed Echo's hand and began rubbing her bright red wrist.

"Jesus christ... I hope you're alright." I said to Echo.

"I-i'm fine.." She said, crawling out of the room. We all crawled along with her.


"Mmm. These hashbrowns are delicious!" Echo said, scarfing her breakfast down.

"Thank you Echo." Absence's Mom said. She looked over to Angel and noticed she wasn't eating her food. "Eat Angel."

"No. You know i cant eat this!" Angel replied, crossing her arms and pushing the plate forward.

"Why cant you? Its hash browns and eggs! You love eggs!"

"No. I cant eat any of this. Its rubbish."

Absence's Mom glared at her daughter. "Rubbish?  How dare you insult my food! Now what makes it rubbish, hhm??"

"I'm vegan."

"..." we all just looked at her.

"THEYRE FUCKING HASHBROWNS!!" Absences mom yowled and Absence burst out laughing.

"And eggs! Those poor chi-"

"They were made to be eaten! Now eat, Jesus Christ." Absences mom sighed.

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