2) eyes

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I shuddered. What in the world did she want with me?! Was she gonna lick my face to death?!  Absence looked at me, his eyes still sparkling. He noticed I seemed tense and he scooted closer to me. He smiled a soft, warm smile and kissed my cheek. His kisses were the best.  They still are. He started playing around with my chestnut brown hair.

"Did Angel call to me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but I don't think she's looking for you anymore.  Ask her about it at breakfast."

"Do you think she hates me..? Will she try doing something to me?" Absence snickered.  Absence never laughs, giggles or goes 'ho ho ho'.  Absence does a cute little sly snicker. It's so adorable.

"Pssh, nah. Why would she? Are you afraid of her..?" He smirked.  Another thing that when he did, and it was absolutely amazing.

"Me? Afraid of her? No." I could feel my face turning a bit red from the lie spewing from my mouth with that one sentence. Absence smiled. I felt his warm lips against my cheek again.

"Shade, it's okay if you are. She gives me the creeps sometimes.." Absence said. Soon, I felt something hit my leg. It hit it quite hard though not hard enough to hurt. I looked down. Echo had kicked me. Though it wasn't her fault; she moves so much in her sleep. I swear she's a starfish.

"MOM! Where are they?!" I heard that same sing-songy voice from before and realize it was Angel. Absence's mother said something after that but it was so far away I couldn't hear it that well.

Footsteps could be heard outside the bed frame walls. It sounds so close, like she was in the room. Absence and I shuffled out of the way of the door, which was really just a cupboard door that you'd go to if you wanted to get under the bed.

The fort passageways were big enough to where you could crawl on your hands and knees and still not hit your head. You couldn't stand but you could sit. There were about 10 different spots in the fort, each way connecting to the others and the door. They went under the whole house though the main entrance was the one under Absence's bed.

We had been sleeping in the one under his bed and that's where Echo was lying.  We used each corridor for something different.  We crawled over, grabbed Echo by the arm and pulled her into the one under Absence's parents' room. It didn't hurt going place to place, since there was carpet and blankets covering the floor.

As you would pass through the fort halls, you could see into each corridor; some were decorated with items like stuffed animals, blankets, others had more useful items like food or electronics. As we crawled down one hall, Echo was awake now, we passed a room that was blank. It had nothing in it but a tiny box and blankets, but they were on the floor, adding more padding. Curious, I crawled into it. 

"I don't remember this place much... oh wait, yes I do." Absence said, looking around trying to retain his memory. Absence smirked. I looked around and opened up that box. Inside was a few unopened condoms and some other stuff. I quickly closed the box and drew a awkward smile. Absence snickered. "Your face is red."

"I know. Babe, why do you have condoms down here? We're 14. I don't think we'll do that yet." I stated, not caring much that he had condoms, but, at the same time, still caring.

"Heheh, I know you'd both want to though..." Echo noted.

"Uhm.... That's for when we're older. Don't worry." Absence said, smiling. He winked at me, causing me to blush. I smiled too, glad we were on the same page.

"Okay good, that's what I thought. Should we keep going..?" I say. I wanted to continue going so Angel could never find us.

"Yeah. C'mon, I'll take you to one of my favorite rooms."

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