Jack Frost Imagine - For Ruby

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#Imagine you were walking in the freshly fallen snow, taking a little sibling to school. Your little sibling was having a blast playing in the snow and hid behind a rock. You unknowingly turned your back and he threw a snowball in your blond hair. 

Your purple eyes filled with rage, you were not in the mood to be hit with a snowball. Your sibling laughed as you marched towards him when another snowball hit you. Your eyes lit up and you realized that this was actually fun. You grabbed a snowball and threw it, and soon every kid in the neighborhood was in it. You laughed and continued until you heard the school-bell ring.

 "Uh oh, come on! We're gonna be late!" You said as you took your siblings wrist and pulled him. Your school had a day off, because it wasn't as strict as your siblings. They decided to shut it down for the day because it was too icy. 

You walked back home and felt another snowball hit you. You laughed and turned around expecting to see a little kid, but you saw a teenager. He was wearing a blue hoodie, and he had mesmerizing blue yes. 

You saw he had white hair, which was strange. He also didn't have shoes, which was even stranger. 

Nevertheless, you shrugged it off and threw a snowball at him. You laughed and he chuckled. 

"Having fun there?" He asked you with a small smirk. 

"Plenty." You said and threw another one at his hair. 

"I'm Jack by the way, Jack Frost." He said and he blew a snowflake to you. 

"Jack Frost? Like ... the Jack Frost?" You said puzzled. 

"The one and only." He said tossing a snowball in the air. 

"What are you doing here?" You asked. He leaned on a brick wall close by. 

"Besides bringing fun to the kids and yourself, we have a little proposition for you." He said twirling his staff. 

"Who is we?" You said and started to back-off a little. 

"Why, the Guardians of course." He said and he threw a snowglobe into the ground. Before you could say anything he pushed you into the portal. 

Jack followed right after you and he laughed. You landed with a 'thump' and rose up. 

"Thanks for the heads-up." You said sarcastically as Jack landed gracefully next to you. 

"My pleasure." Jack said as he took a bow. 

"Care to explain why I'm here?" You said as you stood up and were surrounded by elves offering you cookies and hot chocolate. A giant bunny stepped forward, you figured he must be the Easter Bunny. 

"G'day mate, the moon told us 'bout you. Destined to be with Jack." He said as tossed his boomerang and pointed at Jack. 

Jack blushed lightly, but remained to seem cool. 

"W-what? I didn't even know he existed!" You shouted. 

Jack look hurt. "Then why could you see me?"

"I-I ... believed in you." You said as softly as possible because you were embarrassed. You were the only teenager you knew that still believed in the Guardians. 

At this, a guy in a red suit stepped up, he had a Russian accent. "You see, your the only girl left who still beleives in Jack here. And the Man in the Moon says you were destined to be with each other." He said as he rubbed his beard. 

Before you could even say a word, Jack came up to you and knelt down. 

"I, Jack Frost, would like to ask you to be mine, to become immortal and stay with us, and guard the children. Do you accept?" He asked you and took your hand. 

Sure, you only just met him. However, you seemed to have a soft spot for him. Everyone was watching, so you also felt pressured to accept. 

"I-I ... do." You hesitated before you instantly felt like a new person, like you were young again. You figured this must be what it feels like to be immortal. 

"W-whats happening?" You stuttered. 

Jack chuckled, "Your changing into one of us, a guardian." 

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