Imagine for 5sauce42

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#Imagine You and Jack were friends fro a while now. You have developed feelings for him but you never told him. 

You were too afraid, afraid that he wouldn't feel the same. You're friendship could be ruined. 

This particular day you two were out, it was fall. Jack was testing out his snowballs with you ... in a hardcore snowball fight. 

"Ha! I got you!" Jack said as he raised his arms triumphantly. You laughed mentally at his cockiness but kept a grim face. 

"Don't get your head up in the clouds." You said and rolled your eyes. 

"You've never even been to the clouds!" He snapped back jokingly. 

"So? I can control all the elements, you control snow." You said while crossing your arms smugly. 

He laughed and shrugged it off. He started talking about who knows what, you were too busy making a snowball ... for revenge. He kept talking, something about duties and children. You had the snowball ready, you took aim. 

You threw it and hit his head. You laughed slightly, "Gotcha." 

He laughed and ruffled his own hair taking the snow out, you stared at his smile. You didn't notice he was staring back at you, and you were slowing walking towards each other. 

You snapped out of it and cleared your throat "Uh ... I think I should go now." You felt tears swelling up knowing you couldn't tell him how you feel. 

You started to run-away when Jack pulled you back. 

"Why so soon?" He asked with a smirk. 

"I-I'm sorry Jack. I c-can't stay." You stuttered. You were afraid, you're friendship could be ruined after that awkward moment you had.

Jack seemed to catch on to how awkward you felt. It must've been when he stared at you. He took this as his chance.

He pulled you close and planted a soft kiss on you. You melted into it when he pulled away. 

"No need to feel awkward now." Jack said and smiled. 

You blushed. "Yeah ...." You cleared your throat. "But I'll still get you back every time." 

You threw another snowball at him and ran away. You guys fought playfully all day, you never felt like you had to hide your feelings towards Jack again. 

Authors Note: I'm so sorry I haven't undated in forever, I'm in school now. I would've written over the summer but basically all my electronics broke ... I'll try to update more. If you had a request I'm so sorry I didn't do it. I'm also sorry this imagine didn't have much detail. I really have been busy with school. I have all advanced courses, orchestra, and I have a club meeting everyday after school 'til 4:00. Then I have homework and chores and other stuff. Forgive me?

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