♣ Information + Form (Closed)

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Welcome to Writer's Ring Summer Workshop 2017! Here, you will have the opportunity to improve your writing over the course of 3 months. You will also be exposed to various levels of writers who will give you feedback on your writing, giving you the chance to as well. There will also be various contests, so join into the fun by registering below.

If you are already familiar with last year's workshop, then welcome back! We are delighted to have you again, and would love for you to participate again. Last year, we had 60 participants and are looking to expand the Ring! Please feel free to spread the word.

Your admins are tulsingly and I_am_Sherlock.


Registration: April 16th - June 5th
Workshop Begins: June 7th
Workshop Ends: August 31st


R U L E S :

First, we will set some ground rules to anyone who wishes to join. Please remember that if you do not follow these rules, you will be taken out of the workshop.

1. You must be ready to commit at least two hours per week (depends on the workshop topic each week, though).

2. You must follow @tulsingly and @I_am_Sherlock.

3. ANYONE may join.

4. It is recommended that you follow this account. Keep in mind that we will be sending you updates that will help you stay on top of your workshop, so it is a good idea!

5. Once you join, you ARE allowed to drop, however you must let one of the admins know that you are not going to be taking part in the workshop anymore. We are understanding of you dropping out due to personal reasons and/or summer vacations.

6. If you do not complete the assignments within the due date, you will be given a warning. Three warnings in total, and the third one, you will be asked to leave.

7. The most important rule is you must have fun! Make lots of friends, get to know each other, and develop your writing ability and you will be guaranteed to have this summer worthwhile! :)

W O R K S H O P  C O N T E N T :

In this Summer Workshop 2017, we will cover a lot of content. You might see some topics overlap from last year, but as a whole, we have NEW activities + games + workshops.

- Writing Prompt Activity + contest

- 4 on 4 group writing conference

- Descriptive writing lesson + contest

- Poetry lesson + contest

- Finish the story + contest

- Story Structures + contest

- Writing Tips


Each workshop session, we will feature ONE person at complete random! This will give the person a chance to stand out and be able to have a chance for other people to check out their works.

If you're wondering how this workshop works? Every week, a part will be posted with an explained lesson and then an activity listed for everyone to do. All you have to do is comment the activity in the comments section. With most workshops, we'll have a reflection part where we will reflect on how well everyone wrote!

F O R M : (C L O S E D)

Now, onto the form which you must complete in the comments section. You will then be accepted by one of the admins.


1 book of yours you'd like to work with:

Reason to Join:

Commitment %:

Tag someone who'd be interested:


T H A N K Y O U !

Summer Workshop 2017 (In Session)Where stories live. Discover now