City Lights

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Ricky's point of view~

It was night time when I arrived at my new house, the van right was so slow and took three hours.

"Ahhhhh feels so good to stretch your legs, right son?"my dad, Davey, said

"True shit" I laughed stretching my right leg.

"Right well it's 8:46 now so it will take an hour to get everything else put away so lets get started" my mother, Jasmine, said. I nodded my head and picked up the box with my clothes in

"Honey what's in here?" My mum asked picking up my guitar box roughly

"Be careful with that! That's my guitar!" I said

"Oh sorry" she chuckled placing it back on the floor gently

"When did you guys move like the beds and sofa's?" I shouted walking into the new living room

"Two days ago, when you were staying at grandads" my dad shouted back carrying in two boxes

I nodded in understanding and carried the box upstairs. I walked into my room and noted the fact my dad had painted the wall the way I always talked about. Black walls with neon paint on them

"Awesome" I smiled putting my clothes box on the floor and went down stairs to get my other stuff

"You like your new room?" My mum asked carrying the box with the kitchen stuff in

"Yeah, it's massive!" I shouted back walking out side the door

"How many guitars do you have boy?" the driver asked

"Five" I replied, picking up my bass and acoustic

"Well two bass', one acoustic and two electric guitars" I corrected

"Fair play to you, I tried playing guitar but got bored easily" he laughed

"It gets boring at times, depends what mood your in in my opinion" I said walking inside with the guitars in hand

"Do you like your room colours" my dad asked smiling brightly

"I absolutely adore it" I replied going up stairs

"What else is there?" my dad shouted up to me

"One more bass and two electric guitars" I shouted back resting my guitars on the floor and going back down stairs.

"And the rest of my clothes of course" I said, only just remembering I had more then one box of clothes

"Of course" my dad said handing me the boxes

I grabbed the box and my dad stacked another box on top

"I'll pick up two guitars" my dad shouted to me as a I ran inside

"Out the way cause I can't see a thing" I shouted, making sure my mum wasn't in the way

"I'm in the living room, your all clear" my mother laughed, I chuckled and tried to walk up stairs.

"Almost there son" my dad said as I reached the top of the stairs

"Thanks" I shouted back putting the boxes on my bed and going down to collect the last remaining boxes

"I'll put your guitars in the door way" my dad said walking up the stairs

"That's pretty much what I've done" I laughed picking up the last guitar case

"There's one more box inside my van, I believe it's music" he said going to the boot of the car

"Ahhh no problem, I'll be right back for them" I said running inside with my bass in hand. I decided to leave my bass in the hall way and ran back outside to collect my CD's.

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